Chain Slings for Lifting
A range of fully assembled and certified lifting chains manufactured grade 8 (80), grade 10 (100), grade 12 (120), stainless steel or dyneema (synthetic) with a variety of different fittings such as standard sling hooks (latched hooks), self-locking hooks or clevis shackles to name a few.
Hack8 Chain Sling, Grade 8
Grade 8 (80) lifting slings with chain diameters from 7mm to 32mm and WLL's from 1500kg to 67,000kg.
Model: Hack8 Chain Sling System / LCS-2564
Yoke Chain Sling, Grade 8
Grade 8 (80) lifting chain sling assembly manufactured in accordance with EN818-4, 7mm to 32mm chain with WLL up to 67 tonnes. Fitted with RFID tag as standard.
Model: LCS-5541
Yoke grade 80 chain sling assemblies are available in chain sizes starting from 7mm increasing up to 32mm, with capacity ratings starting from 1.5t on a single leg, up to 67 tonne on 3 or 4 leg assembly sets.
Various standard configurations are available; with sling hooks, self-locking hooks etc., but other terminations are also available on request, such as clevis shackles, c-hooks or foundry hooks.
Yoke Chain Sling, Grade 10
Grade 10 (grade 100) chain sling assemblies, 6mm to 32mm, with capacities up to 85 tonne. Lighter in weight by WLL in comparison to Grade 80. RFID equipped.
Model: LCS1-3025
Single Leg Chains, 2 Leg Chains, 3 Leg and 4 Leg Chain slings at any length to suit your application with a shortening clutch fitted for leg length adjustment. We distribute for most reputable manufacturers of chain slings including Crosby, Kuplex, Rud and Pewag so please contact us if you need a quote for any of these chain slings. Our grade 10 chain slings are made to the customers individual specification. We offer a choice of end fitting, many types of lifting hooks and shackles. Grade 80 (gr 8 / GR:80) are also available to purchase online, up to 16mm and high WLL's require a quotation. There is a safety factor of 4 on all grade 10 chain slings.
Lifting Chain Sling, Grade 12
Grade 12 (120) chain slings assembly, 8mm to 16mm and WLL up to 25.6 tonnes. Lighter WLL to weight ratio than grade 8 and grade 10.
Model: CS12-4784
Request QuoteCromox Stainless Steel Chain Sling, Grade 6
Grade 6 (60) stainless steel lifting chain sling assembly, 6mm to 13mm with WLL up to 8.15t. Manufactured in Germany.
Model: CSSL-4576
Request QuoteGalvanised Pump Lifting Chain, Grade 4
Grade 4 (40) high tensile galvanised pump chains with lifting rings at 1 metre centres, 7mm to 26mm with WLL up to 6 tonne.
Model: GPLC-4590
Stainless Steel Pump Lifting Chain, Grade AISI 316L
Stainless pump chains with lifting points at 1000mm centres, WLL 500kg to 4000kg.
Model: ASSP-4591
DNV Certified Welded Chain Sling
Welded chain sling asssemblies certified to DNV 2.7-1, type approval number S-5678. and EN 1677-4. 10mm to 20mm diameter, 7.2t to 26.3t WLL
Model: DWCS-3516
Request QuoteWelded chain slings are available in the following sizes:
30° to the vertical: 8000kg, 13,500kg, 20,500kg, 32000kg
45° to the vertical: 6500kg, 11,000kg, 16,500kg, 26,000kg.
Green Pin Tycan Dyneema Lifting Chain
100% Dyneema (synthetic) link chain offering the performance and flexibility of steel chain at a fraction of the Weight. 2.6 to 10.3 tonne WLL.
Model: GPTD-4969
Riveted Chain Wire Mesh Sling
Reevable or Non-reevable (choke) versions, 1.5t to 15t WLL. Standard lengths from 1 to 4 metres.
Model: 421/422/427/428 / RCWM-5524
Grade 8 (80) lifting slings with chain diameters from 7mm to 32mm and WLL's from 1500kg to 67,000kg.
Grade 8 (80) lifting chain sling assembly manufactured in accordance with EN818-4, 7mm to 32mm chain with WLL up to 67 tonnes. Fitted with RFID tag as standard.
Grade 10 (grade 100) chain sling assemblies, 6mm to 32mm, with capacities up to 85 tonne. Lighter in weight by WLL in comparison to Grade 80. RFID equipped.
Grade 12 (120) chain slings assembly, 8mm to 16mm and WLL up to 25.6 tonnes. Lighter WLL to weight ratio than grade 8 and grade 10.
Grade 6 (60) stainless steel lifting chain sling assembly, 6mm to 13mm with WLL up to 8.15t. Manufactured in Germany.
Grade 4 (40) high tensile galvanised pump chains with lifting rings at 1 metre centres, 7mm to 26mm with WLL up to 6 tonne.
Stainless pump chains with lifting points at 1000mm centres, WLL 500kg to 4000kg.
Welded chain sling asssemblies certified to DNV 2.7-1, type approval number S-5678. and EN 1677-4. 10mm to 20mm diameter, 7.2t to 26.3t WLL
100% Dyneema (synthetic) link chain offering the performance and flexibility of steel chain at a fraction of the Weight. 2.6 to 10.3 tonne WLL.
Reevable or Non-reevable (choke) versions, 1.5t to 15t WLL. Standard lengths from 1 to 4 metres.