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Atex Lifting Equipment & Atex Fall Arrest Equipment

Quick Ref: CN-1398

LiftingSafety offer an extensive category of Atex lifting equipment to the lifting equipment industry and end users alike including manually operated Atex rated equipment, electric Atex lifting equipment and pneumatic & Hydraulic Lifting equipment. The lifting equipment industry has many terms that refer to lifting gear used in potentially explosive atmospheres and these include; EX Products, explosion proof (explosion proof) spark proof (spark-proof) anti sparking, spark resistant and anti-static to name but a few. The specific anti sparking features and variations on explosion proof equipment including hoists are wide and varied and are depend on the type on environment they will be working in, for example explosive gases and explosive dust. LiftingSafety bring to the market a range of explosion and spark proof lifting equipment including many hoists, with a close understanding of our customer’s requirements, for use in many different industry sectors including the offshore oil and gas industry, food industry, chemicals plants, petrol and petrochemical, gas industries, and any environment where safety against ignition in production or maintenance is evident.

Spark proof Protection includes EX electrical enclosures, Bronze travelling wheels, bronze roller anti rail jump, non-ferrous metal plated and sold bronze hook or bronze coated load hook, stainless steel pins with bronze sleeves, bronze bushes and sheaves, anti-static castors and hydraulic anti-static hoses, stainless steel construction. Rubber or other soft lining is used to prevent “steel on steel”. Remote control Atex systems, travelling and limit switch for Atex applications.

We offer a massive range of quality Atex pneumatic hoists, Atex electric chain hoists, Atex Hydraulic hoists and Atex anti sparking hand chain hoists designed specifically for for both industrial and marine (offshore) environments where there is the potential for a spark to ignite dust or gasses, in fact anywhere there is an atmosphere where there is a risk of explosion due to inflammable substances. All equipment to be used in Hazardous areas are to be supplied with ATEX certification as per the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations mandatory from 09-12-2002.

LiftingSafety offer online in our Atex Hoist category a great range of quality Atex pneumatic chain hoists, Atex electric chain hoists and Atex Hydraulic chain hoists and Atex. Atex hoist are also referred to as anti sparking hoists as spark proof hoists or explosion proof hoists and are for use in potentially explosive areas or atmospheres where there is the possibility that a spark could ignite flammable dust or gasses. If there is a risk of explosion then the then lifting equipment should be deployed that reduces the risk of injury or fatality. All lifting equipment to be used in Hazardous areas are subject to employer and user method statement and risk assessment and if deemed required the Atex hoist should be supplied with ATEX certification as per the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations mandatory from 09-12-2002. Anti sparking hand chain hoists are often used in many industries including heavy industry, chemical manufacturing and process industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing and marine (offshore) environments for the production of oil and gas.

ATEX Hoists - Spark Resistant and Atex Rated Chain Hoists and Trolleys

Our Atex pedestrian hand pallet trucks are manually manoeuvred with options for hand pump truck manual lift and for battery powered electric lifting. We also offer Pallet truck scales with built-in electronic weighing scales that are suitable for areas classified as hazardous working potentially explosive environments such as ZONE 2, 22. We also offer manual pallet trucks can designed for use in Atex Zone 1, Atex Zone 2 including Atex IIB that are made from galvanised steel and stainless steel, when enquiring please specify details of your application and the following; Atex Category and/or Zone, Gas group if applicable and the temperature class. We have the facility to have Atex anti sparking hand chain hoists made to our customers specification, safe working load, lowered and raised height, fork length etc.... We look forward to receiving your enquiry.

ATEX Pallet Trucks - Spark Resistant and Atex Rated Pallet Handling Trucks

LiftingSafety offer in our Atex category Atex fall arrest inertia reel. These are self retracting lifelines (SRL) to provide fall protection and rescue for people working at height in potentially explosive areas where a spark could potentially ignite inflammable vapours, gasses or dust. We offer a range of fall arrest blocks with a wire rope cable length up to 53 metre and options with a retrieval handle to rescue a casualty after a fall.

ATEX Rated Anti-sparking Inertia Reel Fall Arrest Blocks

A very rare product group offered by LiftingSafety. We offer Atex fall arrest harnesses for those working at height in hazardous areas where explosive gas or dust is present such as the oil and gas industry, or petrochemical industry. These fall arrest harnesses are manufactured by Miller and by Sala who are both top quality height safety manufacturers. Both are 2 pot harnesses meaning that they have fall arrest anchorage points on the back and the chest.

ATEX Approved Fall Arrest Height Safety Harnesses

Atex load cells for weighing equipment where In which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously present for long periods and this would be Zone 0. Strain gauge load cells in Zone 1 are made to operate in areas which an explosive gas / air mixture is likely to occur in normal operation. Load cells used in working areas In which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation must comply with zone 2. We offer three types of Atex load cell; Crane weighers with integrated top suspension and swivel hook. Standard loaf cells (to 500 tonne) and load weighing D and Bow shackles t0 100 tonne.

ATEX Certified Load cells & Weighing Equipment, Spark Proof

ATEX vs Anti Sparking features - statement for manually operated lifting equipment

Extracts below are from the European Commission Enterprise and Industry ATEX guidelines June 2009 section 5.2: Examples for equipment not covered by Directive 94/9/EC.

  • "In general, many simple mechanical products do not fall under the scope of Directive 94/9/EC as they do not have their own source of ignition."
  • "Manufacturer will need to consider each item in turn with respect to potential ignition hazard"
  • "Other examples that in most cases have no potential ignition source are" "Equipment moved only by human power, a hand operated pump, hand powered lifting equipment, hand operated valves"

Question to user “Do You Need Anti-sparking Features”

It is the customer’s responsibility to specify their requirements for anti-sparking features to prevent ignition in a potentially explosive environment. For manually operated lifting gear to be used in potentially explosive areas / atmospheres such as Zone 1 or 2, LiftingSafety can include any anti-sparking features that our customers specify - this will increase its anti-sparking properties and therefore make the lifting equipment more suitable for use in a potentially explosive environment! (Important – for products sold with anti-sparking features LiftingSafety certificate will not supply an ATEX certificate or state / imply that our cranes designed for use in ATEX, anti sparking of spark proof environments! We can suggest anti-sparking features to be added to the piece of lifting equipment for example, Bronze coated load hook (or solid bronze hook), stainless steel pins with bronze sleeves, Bronze bushes and sheaves, Anti-static wheels or castors, hydraulic Anti-static hoses, stainless steel construction. Rubber or other soft lining to prevent “steel on steel” etc.... We can also add any special requirements requested by the client.


Atex regulations as follows: The Atex directive on “use” refers to the DSEAR Regulations 2002 requires employers to protect workers from the risk of explosive atmospheres. An explosive atmosphere is defined as a mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of dangerous substances in the form of gases, vapours, mist or dust in which after ignition has occurred, combustion spreads to the entire unburned mixture. The Atex directive on “Product” refers to Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 95) Equipment and Protective Systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Covers electrical and non-electrical products intended for use in hazardous areas (gas, vapours or dust atmospheres) ATEX 95 implemented in the UK as: The Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for USE in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 1996 Statutory Instrument 1996 No. 192.

Relevant EN Standards for potentially explosive areas of work

  • EN 60079-17 Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines).
  • EN 60079-10 Classification of Hazardous areas (Gas).
  • EN 60079-14 Electrical Installations in Hazardous areas (other than mines)
  • EN 60079-19 Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive atmosphere (other than mines) 
  • EN 61241-3 Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present.
  • EN 1127-1 Explosion Prevention and Protection Basic concepts and methodology.

DSEAR (Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations) applies to all dangerous substances at nearly every business in Great Britain and gives the least requirements for protecting employees from fire and “explosion risks”, “dangerous substances” & “potentially explosive” atmospheres.

The main requirement are given below (summary).

  1. A risk assessment of any work place when dangerous substances are involved (potentially explosive)
  2. Eliminate or reduce to (as is reasonably practical) by the use of technical and organisational measures all of the Identified risks in potentially explosive areas or work
  3. Anti sparking, spark proof Equipment and other equipment should be provided by the employer and procedures documented to deal with accidents and emergencies before commencing work
  4. Training shall be provided to all employees to ensure that they are competent in all aspects of work including the use of Atex hoists and other items of Atex lifting equipment, Always follow the manufacturer’s operation user manual on safe use and maintenance.
  5. Classify places, areas at the work place where explosive atmospheres may occur (Inc potentially explosive areas) into zones, and mark the zones where necessary.

The Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations applies whenever there is work being carried out by an employer or self-employed person or a dangerous substance is present or liable to be present at the workplace or if the dangerous substance presents a risk to the safety of persons (as opposed to a risk to health). The warning signs for places where explosive atmospheres may occur (Distinctive features) are a Triangular shape and black letters on yellow background with black edging (the yellow part to take at least 50% of the area of the sign).

ATEX & Intrinsic Safety Information - Explosive Atmospheres

Protection Concepts

0 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously present for long periods Exia or Exs
1 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is likely to occur in normal operation. Exd. Exe, Exib, Exp, Exia, Exs
2 In which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in normal operation. All concepts suitable for Zone 0 & 1, ExN, ExO and Exq

Standards For Methods Of Protection

General requirement - -
Oil immersion 2 o
Pressurisation 1 or 2 p
Powder filling 2 q
Flameproof 1 or 2 d
Increased safety 1 or 2 e
Intrinsic safety * 0, 1 or 2 ia or ib
Non-incendive 2 n #
Encapsulation 1 or 2 m
Special 1 or 2 s
* ia: Zone 0,1,2. ib: Zone 1,2. not Zone 0. # n: used locally in UK.

Gas Grouping and Temperature Classification

Gas Grouping   Temperature Classification
GAS # GROUP CENELEC EN 50 014, IEC REPRESENTATIVE GAS T Class / IEC 79-7 Max. surface temp ° C
I * (mining) Methane T1 450 ° C
IIA Propane T2 300 ° C
IIB Ethylene T3 200 ° C
IIC Hydrogen T4 135 ° C
  T5 100 ° C
T6 85 ° C

Certification Code

(CENELEC marking information - example [EEx ia] IIC T4)

[ E Ex ia ] IIC T4
Associated apparatus* Certified to the CENELEC standard Explosion protected Protection concept (IS) Associated apparatus* Apparatus group (gas group) Temperature classification (not Gp I)
* (located in safe area and may be connected to hazardous area)

Device Group & Category

I M = mining
Mining M 1
Pit gas &/or flammable dusts M 2
II G = gas  
Other areas 1 G 0, 1, 2
Explosive atmosphere 2 G 1, 2
  3 G 2
D is added after G in the certification class number D = dust  
(i.e. GD) if device is dust category approved also 1 D 20, 21, 22
  2 D 21, 22
  3 D 22

Explanation of the categories:

  1. Very high safety = device safety must be guaranteed even in case of rare device failures, e.g. simultaneous failure of two components.
  2. High safety = device safety must be guaranteed if frequent failures can be expected, e.g. failure of one component.
  3. Safe in normal operation = device safety must be guaranteed in normal operation.

Note: A number in brackets before device category designation signifies that the device meets the requirements of an additional category to the main one that is specified.

Example: II (1) 2G signifies that the device meets requirements for both 1 G and 2 G categories

Characteristics of Substances


This is the lowest temperature at which a liquid generates sufficient vapour to support ignition. This vapour can be ignited in many ways including temperature or energy (i.e. a spark)

Ignition Temperature

This is the lowest temperature at which the vapour will be ignited.
This defines the temperature class.

Classification of maximum surface temperatures of electrical apparatus (CENELEC)

Temp. Class Max. Surface Temp.
T1 <450ºC
T2 <300ºC
T3 <200ºC
T4 <135ºC
T5 <100ºC
T6 <85ºC

Apparatus Group (energy ignition)

All surface industry gases/vapours are classed as Group II gases.

Group II is divided into 3 sub groups:

  • IIA – High energy is required to ignite. Less intense explosion. (Propane)
  • IIB – Less energy is required to ignite. More intense explosion. (Ethylene)
  • IIC – Little energy is required to ignite. Most intense explosion. (Hydrogen)

Characteristics of some common flammable materials

Gas/Vapour Flashpoint Gas Group Ignition Temp. Temp. Class
Acetone 19ºC IIA 535ºC T1
Butane -60ºC IIA 365ºC T2
Heptane -4C IIA 215ºC T3
Ethyl Methyl Ether 37ºC IIB 190ºC T4

Note: There is no connection between ignition energy and ignition temperature

The information offered by LiftingSafety is guidance only. For detailed information see the relevant directives and regulations.

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