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ATEX Hoists - Spark Resistant and Atex Rated Chain Hoists and Trolleys

Quick Ref: CN-1817
A top quality range of manual or pneumatic (air powered) spark proof, explosion proof and anti-sparking, Atex certified hoisting devices.

LiftingSafety offer online in our Atex Hoist category a great range of quality Atex pneumatic chain hoists, Atex electric chain hoists and Atex Hydraulic chain hoists and Atex. Atex hoist are also referred to as anti sparking hoists as spark proof hoists or explosion proof hoists and are for use in potentially explosive areas or atmospheres where there is the possibility that a spark could ignite flammable dust or gasses. If there is a risk of explosion then the then lifting equipment should be deployed that reduces the risk of injury or fatality. All lifting equipment to be used in Hazardous areas are subject to employer and user method statement and risk assessment and if deemed required the Atex hoist should be supplied with ATEX certification as per the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmosphere Regulations mandatory from 09-12-2002. Anti sparking hand chain hoists are often used in many industries including heavy industry, chemical manufacturing and process industries, pharmaceutical manufacturing and marine (offshore) environments for the production of oil and gas.

This category contains hand operated Atex chain hoists (Otherwise known as a block and tackle or chain block) and Atex monorail hand chain hoists (also referred to as a trolley hoist or chain travel monorail hoists) and Atex lever hoists (otherwise known as pull lifts). These are manually operated items of lifting equipment designed to either provide a fixed or temporary means of lifting, lowering, pulling, tensioning and holding a load, where no electic supply is needed. Our Atex hand chain hoists are good quality made by Yale industrial products, though we will be adding new atex hoisting products to the catalogue on a regular basis. Please look at the individual products to ensure they have a suitable Atex classicification for the Atex zone where they are needed to operate. Please contact us if you do not see the piece of Atex rated/certified equipment that you are looking for or if there is a key feature required, that is not included on any of the products offered online.

Atex Hand Chain Hoists and Monorail Trolleys, Anti-Sparking & Explosion Proof

LiftingSafety offers in this category air operated Atex chain hoists (Otherwise known as a Pneumatic Atex Hoist or Atex air hoists) and are also available as an Atex monorail air hoist (Atex trolley hoist) These are pneumatically operated items of lifting equipment to either of a permanent or temporary way of lifting, lowering, tensioning and holding a load, in potentially explosive atmospheres. Our Atex air chain hoists are good quality made by Yale industrial products, JDN, Atlas Copco and Ingersoll Rand. Please ensure your preferred pneumatic Atex hoist has a suitable Atex calcification for the Atex zone where it needs to be operated. Please contact us if you do not see the Atex air hoist that you are looking for.

Atex Air Hoists, Pneumatic Anti-Sparking, Explosion Proof, Certified Monorail Hoists and Trolleys

LiftingSafety offers in this category hydraulic operated Atex chain hoists which are also available with a push or geared trolley as an Atex monorail hydraulic hoist (Atex trolley hoist) These are hydraulically operated items of lifting equipment to either of a permanent or temporary way of lifting, lowering, tensioning and holding a load, in potentially explosive atmospheres though are also designed for use sub-sea, for under water use. Our Atex hyd chain hoists are good quality made by JDN. Please ensure that you specify the Atex calcification for the Atex zone that you intend to use this Atex Hydraulic lifting hoist.

Atex Hydraulic Chain Hoists - Anti-sparking and Explosion Proof Atex Hoists with Trolley Options

Atex Manual Hoist requirement information

Atex zones are areas designated areas where there is a potentially explosive atmosphere present where precautions must be taken following legislation and good working practice to reduce / eliminate the risk of an explosion. Please see extracts here from the European Commission Enterprise and Industry ATEX guidelines June 2009 section 5.2: Examples for equipment not covered by Directive 94/9/EC: "In general, many simple mechanical products do not fall under the scope of Directive 94/9/EC as they do not have their own source of ignition." And also "Manufacturer will need to consider each item in turn with respect to potential ignition hazard" and finally "Other examples that in most cases have no potential ignition source are" "Equipment moved only by human power, a hand operated pump, hand powered lifting equipment, hand operated valves"

Do You Need Anti-sparking Features with manual Lifting Equipment?

It is the customer’s responsibility to specify their anti-sparking requirements for Atex lifting equipment and Atex hoists. For hand chain hoists and monorail trolleys to be used in potentially explosive areas / atmospheres such as Zone 1 or 2, LiftingSafety can offer hand lifting hoists with anti-sparking features as specified by the customer. Anti sparking features on lifting hoists (Atex hoists) will make the crane more suitable for use in a potentially explosive environment!

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