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Fall Arrest Lanyards - Single Leg EN355

Quick Ref: CN-1119
Miller and SALA Single leg Fall Arrest Lanyards from liftingsafety, all competitively priced and available for online purchase!

Fall arrest lanyards are designed to connect the person working at height to an anchorage point so that in the unfortunate event of a fall the lanyard will catch the fall and absorb many of the forces created meaning that the forces absorbed by the person falling will never be above 6Kn. There are two main types of fall arrest lanyard; single leg and double leg. In this category we offer all our single leg fall arrest lanyards from quality height safety manufactures including: Miller, Sala, Ridgegear, Protecta, Yale and Tractel with even more additions to be added in the near future. Single leg fall arrest lanyards are offered made from different materials, webbing (web lanyards) from rope (rope lanyards) and elasticated (self-adjusting length) fall arrest lanyards. We offer tie back lanyards and lanyards that are length adjustable. Standards shock absorbing lanyards are supplied in different lengths up to a maximum permissible length of 2 metre and with a massive choice of end connectors/karabiners including snap hooks and scaffold hooks etc.

All shock absorbing lanyards in this category are single leg, for fall arrest applications only and must not be used for restraint.

  • Used by all industry sectors, the single leg fall arrest lanyard is a fundamental accessory to any fall protection kit.
  • When clicking on to a product you will be offered ‘optional lengths’ and different ‘karabiner’ types, scaffold hook, snap hook, screw gate etc...
  • Safety first! Be aware of potential fall distance! After a fall, the Fall arrest lanyard will expand by up to 1.75 metres to absorb the shock load – make sure you have adequate clear fall distance. If you do not have adequate fall distance consider the use of a Personal fall arrest inertia reel.
  • Miller fall protection offer three different styles of fall arrest lanyard; the Elasticated Manyards are the most popular, also available made from Polyester webbing and from rope.
  • Miller ‘sharp edge tested’ fall arrest lanyards are particularly suitable for horizontal fall arrest situations, available as the stretch Manyard or from rope.

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