SALA Fall Arrest Lanyards - Single Leg
Protecta "Sanchoc" Webbing Fall Arrest Lanyard With Scaffold Hook Connector - 2m
Energy absorbing strap with polyamide webbing
Model: AE529/6 / S2W-3804
Sala "EZ-Stop" Edge Tested Shock Absorbing Lanyard, Length 1.5 or 2m
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Rope Lanyard, Single or Twin Leg, with Optional Length
Model: SSAL-4824
Sala "EZ-Stop" Wrapbax 2 Shock Absorbing Lanyard, Length 2m, Single or Twin Leg
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, with "Wrapbax 2" Tie Back Hook, and Twist lock Karabiner.
Model: SSAL-4825
Sala "EZ-Stop" Shock Absorbing Rope Lanyard, Lengths 1.25 to 2m, Single or Twin Leg
Sala "EZ Stop" Rope Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, and with Optional Fittings
Model: SSAL-4828
Sala "EZ-Stop" Expander Shock Absorbing Lanyard, Length 1.25 to 2m, Single or Twin Leg
Sala "EZ Stop" Expander Webbing Fall Arrest Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, Optional Length and Fittings.
Model: SSAL-4829
Sala "EZ-Stop" Webbing Shock Absorbing Lanyard, 2m, Twin Leg
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard
Model: SSAL-4827
Energy absorbing strap with polyamide webbing
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Rope Lanyard, Single or Twin Leg, with Optional Length
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, with "Wrapbax 2" Tie Back Hook, and Twist lock Karabiner.
Sala "EZ Stop" Rope Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, and with Optional Fittings
Sala "EZ Stop" Expander Webbing Fall Arrest Lanyard, 1 or 2 Leg Option, Optional Length and Fittings.
Sala "EZ Stop" Fall Arrest Webbing Lanyard