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Fall Arrest Kits (Inc. Energy Absorbing Lanyards)

Quick Ref: CN-1029
Height safety Kits based arount the use of a shock absorbing lanyards, Heavily Discounted at 12% for On-Line Sale

The fall arrest kits listed here contain a fall arrest lanyard with a choice of different lengths and end connectors / karabiners. We sell a great selection of quality height safety kits from manufacturers like Tractel, Miller, Yale and Titan (with more to follow). We offer such a good selection so that we hopefully we will have a kit to suit all our customers’ requirements and budgets. As with all our fall arrest / height safety kits we categorise by kit content rather than by kit manufacturer’s name for the kit, this way the customer can easily differentiate between all the options available. Fall arrest lanyards form the basis for the kits thereafter there is also a good selection of other height safety components to compliment different disciplines while working at height. The maximum permissible length for a shock absorbing fall arrest lanyard is 2 metre

All these fall arrest kits include a fall arrest shock absorbing lanyard. Fall arrest Lanyards and Manyards come with different Karabiners (scaffold hook, Barracuda etc), alternative lengths, and single leg / two leg (forked). Height safety kits with fall arrest lanyards that are sharp edge tested, particularly suitable for horizontal use where there is a possibility of a fall over an edge.

  • Options with either the Miller Duraflex harness and Titan economy Harness
  • Fall arrest lanyards are the most common fall arrest connection device and provide a cost effective fall protection solution. Users must be aware of potential fall distance, if in doubt, ask!
  • Alternatively, contact us to make your own unique Height safety kit, you can include any combination of fall protection items.

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