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*Minimum goods order value: £100, otherwise an admin fee of £25 will apply. Online orders are possible to UK Mainland only, but we export globally.

Anti Slavery Policy Statement

Selby Engineering and Lifting Safety Ltd (SELS) has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and is committed to preventing acts of slavery and human trafficking from occurring within both its business and supply chain and imposes those same high standards to its customers and suppliers.

Company Structure

SELS has traded globally for over 25 years and is one of the UK's key suppliers of quality lifting and height safety equipment.

SELS has

  • Made their staff aware of the Modern Slavery Act including its definition of slavery and human trafficking.
  • Contacted suppliers in higher risk categories to check what assurance arrangements they have in place.
  • Commenced a revision of their suppliers to include prohibitions in respect of slavery and human trafficking and compliance with the legislation.

SELS shows due diligence in

  • Identifying and assessing potential risks in our business and supply chains
  • Reducing the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our business and supply chains.
  • Monitoring potential risk areas in our business and supply chains

This statement is made in pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group's slavery and human trafficking statement for financial year ending 31st January 2018.

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