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Fall Arrest Kits (Including Inertia Reels)

Quick Ref: CN-1028

All the fall arrest kits in this category contain fall arrest inertia reels with a choice of different physical sizes and lifeline lengths from quality height safety manufacturers like Tractel, Miller, Yale and Titan (with more to follow). We offer so many different kits to try ensure that we have a kit to suit all our customers requirements and budgets. The manufacturers we distribute for use different names for what are very similar height safety kits and therefore it was more logical to sort the kits by content rather than by kit manufacturer’s name. The advantage of a fall arrest inertia reel is that it can arrest a fall in a very short distance when used directly above head. Caution must be taken to ensure the user of the fall arrest kit operates the with-in the manufacturer’s limits when using fall arrest inertia reel self-retracting lifeline.

  • All the fall arrest kits in this category include a small, lightweight fall arrest block (fall limiter)
  • Fall arrestors with different Karabiners, alternative lengths, sizes and weights.
  • New and unique option for inertia reel certified for horizontal use.
  • Options of Miller fall protection, Duraflex harness and Titan Harness
  • Fall arrest blocks reduce fall distance and the consequence of a fall, typical fall distance 100mm when used overhead. Users must be aware of the pendulum effect (swing), if in doubt, ask!
  • Alternatively, contact us to make your own unique Height safety kit, you can include any combination of fall protection items.

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