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Atex Hydraulic Chain Hoists - Anti-sparking and Explosion Proof Atex Hoists with Trolley Options

Quick Ref: CN-1841

LiftingSafety offers in this category hydraulic operated Atex chain hoists which are also available with a push or geared trolley as an Atex monorail hydraulic hoist (Atex trolley hoist) These are hydraulically operated items of lifting equipment to either of a permanent or temporary way of lifting, lowering, tensioning and holding a load, in potentially explosive atmospheres though are also designed for use sub-sea, for under water use. Our Atex hyd chain hoists are good quality made by JDN. Please ensure that you specify the Atex calcification for the Atex zone that you intend to use this Atex Hydraulic lifting hoist.



Hook suspended subsea pneumatic / hydraulic chain blocks. 3200kg or 6300kg.

Model: Profi TI - Subsea / JSAH-3540

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Standard units can be used to depths of 55 metres, however these units are also available to be used down to a water depth of 70m. Highly regarded as a very versatile hook suspended tool, they can also be used for horizontal and oblique use. Other capacities are available on request.

Available as air or hydraulically powered units, with variable speed control and overload protection as standard.


Hook suspended subsea pneumatic / hydraulic chain blocks. 3200kg or 6300kg.

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