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Miller Small Personal Fall Limiter Fall Arrest Inertia Reels to EN360

Quick Ref: CN-1570



Lightweight 6m Webbing Fall Arrest Block. Compact retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL), with Optional Fittings. Complies to EN360

Model: Miller Falcon (web) / 6WIR-2336

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Designed for use in edge applications with radius ≥ 0,5mm

Model: MEWI-5055

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Super Lightweight (0.86kg) retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) 1.8m Personal Fall Limiter. Cost Effective Inertia Reel. To EN360.

Model: Miller Turbo Lite / 1SIR-2591

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Lightweight (1.6kg) Personal Fall Limiter (PFL) retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) with Webbing Rope and Many Karabiner Options. (Not horizontal use). Complies to EN360

Model: Miller Scorpion (old) / 2WIR-2594

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Edge Tested 2.7m retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) Personal Fall Limiter, Suitable For Horizontal Use. Complies to EN360.

Model: Miller Scorpion / 2IU-2592

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2.5m Economy retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) Lanyard. Seat belt type locking Personal Inertia Reel with 2 Screwgate Karibiners. Complies to EN360.

Model: Titan MI20 / 2EIR-2597

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Lightweight 6m Webbing Fall Arrest Block. Compact retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL), with Optional Fittings. Complies to EN360


Super Lightweight (0.86kg) retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) 1.8m Personal Fall Limiter. Cost Effective Inertia Reel. To EN360.


Lightweight (1.6kg) Personal Fall Limiter (PFL) retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) with Webbing Rope and Many Karabiner Options. (Not horizontal use). Complies to EN360


Edge Tested 2.7m retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) Personal Fall Limiter, Suitable For Horizontal Use. Complies to EN360.


2.5m Economy retractable "self retracting lifeline" (SRL) Lanyard. Seat belt type locking Personal Inertia Reel with 2 Screwgate Karibiners. Complies to EN360.

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