SALA Fall Arrest Retractable Inertia Reel Blocks, Self Retracting Lifeline to to EN360
Sala Sealed Blok Cable Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), with Optional Rescue Winch - Length Options 4.5 to 9m
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with Stainless steel cable. Aluminium housing, Double action swivel stainless connector, and Fall indicator
Model: SSBC-4703
Sala Sealed Blok Cable Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), RSQ and/or Rescue Winch - Length: 15m
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 15m Stainless or Galvanised Cable, Aluminium housing with Optional Retrieval winch and RSQ
Model: SSBC-4705
SALA "Ultra Lok RSQ" Automatic (Manual) Descender / Fall Arrest Inertia Reel Block (Fall Limiter) Steel Cable Lanyard with Snap Hook - 15m
Retractable (Self retracting) Lifeline (SRL) with Rescue Device, 15m rope length stainless steel or galvanised. EN360 (fall arrest) and EN341 (Auto descent)
Model: Ultra-Lok RSQ / 1FAD-3026
Sala Sealed Blok Cable Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), with Optional RSQ and Rescue Winch - Length: 25m
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 25m Stainless steel cable, with Optional Rescue winch and RSQ, Aluminium housing, Double action stainless steel swivel connector and Fall indicator
Model: SSBC-4704
SALA Sealed Blok Cable Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), with Optional Rescue Winch - Length: 40m
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 40m Galvanised or Stainless steel Cable. Aluminium housing and with Fall indicator
Model: SSBC-4706
Sala Sealed Blok Cable Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL), with Stainless Steel or Galvanised Cable - Length: 53m
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 53m Galvanised or Stainless Steel Lifeline. Aluminium housing, Double action swivel connector and Fall indicator
Model: SSBC-4707
Sala 'Ultra-Lok' Self Retracting Lifeline, with Optional Lifeline Material. Length Options from 3.35m to 25m
Sala Ultra-Lok fall arrest inertia reel block with webbing, wire cable or synthetic rope Life-line.
Model: SSRL-4709
Sala First-Man-Up Pole with Assisted Rescue Tools, for use with either the Sala 'Ultra-Lok' or 'SealedBlok' RSQ's
First Man Up 4.8m Rescue pole with rescue tool.
Model: SFAR-5231
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with Stainless steel cable. Aluminium housing, Double action swivel stainless connector, and Fall indicator
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 15m Stainless or Galvanised Cable, Aluminium housing with Optional Retrieval winch and RSQ
Retractable (Self retracting) Lifeline (SRL) with Rescue Device, 15m rope length stainless steel or galvanised. EN360 (fall arrest) and EN341 (Auto descent)
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 25m Stainless steel cable, with Optional Rescue winch and RSQ, Aluminium housing, Double action stainless steel swivel connector and Fall indicator
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 40m Galvanised or Stainless steel Cable. Aluminium housing and with Fall indicator
Sala Sealed Blok Self Retracting Lifeline with 53m Galvanised or Stainless Steel Lifeline. Aluminium housing, Double action swivel connector and Fall indicator
Sala Ultra-Lok fall arrest inertia reel block with webbing, wire cable or synthetic rope Life-line.
First Man Up 4.8m Rescue pole with rescue tool.