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Kito ER2 Heavy Duty Electric Chain Hoist

Kito ER2 Heavy Duty Electric Chain Hoist

400v 3 phase electric hoist with fast lifting speeds. Capacity options from 125kg to 15 tonne.


ER2 / KSHS-4188

Manufacturing Standard: EN818-7

Kito ER2 Heavy Duty Electric Chain Hoist

ER2 Hook Suspended Electric Chain Hoist ER2SP Hoist With Plain Trolley ER2SG Hoist With Geared Trolley ER2M Electric Chain Hoist With Motorised Trolley Hook Suspended Er2 Chain Containers Canvas Er2 Chain Containers Plastic Er2 Chain Containers Steel Fail Safe Er2 Limit Switch Er2 Long Life Friction Clutch Er2 Plain Trolley Geared Trolley Motorised Trolley ER2 Numbered Diagram

The New Kito "ER2 Series" Electric Chain Hoist further builds upon Kito's previous ER Series, seeking improved ease of use and superb working efficiency.
To ensure safety, The hoist utilises a "double safety" mechanism that consists of a unique Friction Clutch and Upper-Lower limit switch. The control system features a fresh push-button interface and can easily be used for hours on end.


Fitted to MR2 Trolley

Trolley Options

The "ER2 Series" also comes with the option to have a Push Travel Trolley, Geared Trolley, or Motorised Trolley. Single and Dual Traversing Speeds are available to choose from.
Fail Safe Brake

Fail Safe Break

Kito's DC-current brake design reduces maintenance costs by eliminating drag at start and responding immediately at stop. This also places less torque on the motor providing extremely quiet and smooth operation. The advanced technology used in Kito's DC-current brake protects you from hoist failure in the event of motor burnout or single-phasing.
Forged Carbon Steel Hooks

Forged Carbon Steel Hooks

Engineered to open gradually and not fracture under excessive loads, the forged carbon steel hook features a notched tip which interlocks with the safety latch for increased durability.  These features allow for easy pre-use inspection of the hooks enabling you to operate the hoist with confidence.
Limit Switch

Durable Upper-Lower Limit Switch

The limit switch stops operation if either end of the load chain contacts the hoist body, protecting against unnecessary downtime and service costs. The ER2's redesigned upper/lower limit switch features enhanced durability and low profile design for improved hoist headroom.
Long Life Friction Clutch

Long-Life Friction Clutch

The friction clutch prevents damage to the hoist by automatically engaging in the event of a severe overload. When the slip clutch engages the motor is allowed to continue turning protecting both you and the hoist.
ER2 Numbered Diagram
  1. Electromagnetic Brake
    A current-driven electrimagnetic braking system provides a strong braking mechanism that can easily sucure a suspended load
  2. External Motor Fan
    Includes a die-cast aluminium motor frame with an external motor fan for adequate heat management during frequent operation
  3. Thermal Protector
    An overheating sensor cuts the power if the unit becomes dangerously hot.
  4. Connecting Shaft
    The top hook or suspender can be attached or removed with ease thanks to the mounted connecting shaft located on the external section of the body.
  5. Aluminium Die-cast Body
    Tough body to withstand knocks and grazes.
  6. Enclosure
    Dust and jet protected to IP55
  7. Chain Guide
    Kito's uniquely structured chain guide for smooth and easy chain feeding.
  8. Gears
    Helical gears provide a reduced operation noise
  9. CH Meter Built-In Inverter
    This records and displays the number of lifts the hoist has made and logs each time the hoist is operated. This allows for better maintenance.
  10. Chain Container
    Durable plastic or canvas containers as standard
  11. Plug Connection
    Easily attached and removed
  12. Cover Belt
    Attached to the controller cover and gear case to provide easy access for maintenance.
  13. Wiring Options
    A direct wiring option is available.
  14. Load Chain
    Kito's iwn Nickel-plates load chain comes as standard to provide a higher resistance against fatigue, wear and dust.
    The load chain is made from a unique alloy-steel which is produced under high quality control through automate facilities from material to chain completion


  • CSA Electrical Certification.
  • ASM B30.16 Safety Standard.
  • ASM HST-1 Performance Standard.
  • Grade 80, Case Hardened Chain.
  • IP55 Environmental Protection.
  • Voltage range: 380–440 V *Special voltages on request
Duty Ratings Single Speed Adjustable 2-speed & Dual Speed
ASME Class H4 H4
Max. Starts /hr 360 240 / 120
%ED 60 40 / 20
Short Time Rating 60 min 30 / 10 min

The below method can indicate which type of hoist you are looking for, it also shows the different types of Kito "ER2 Series" Electric Chain Hoists available.

Model Code Generation


Types of Hoist Available



  • ½ to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • At rated capacity, load-bearing parts are only stressed to 20% of their limit
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Adjustable to fit any beam–tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Low minimum radius for curved beams for smooth travel around tight curves
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Capacity (tonne) Model Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Standard Drop (ft) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
1 TSG2010 1300 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 8 27
2 TSG2020 1500 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 10 42
3 TSG2030 1700 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 10 60
5 TSG2050 2300 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 10 174
10 TSG2100 3000 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" 12 300
20 TSG2200 --- 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" 12 440


Er2sg Dimensions
Er2sgh Dimensions
Low Capacity High Capacity
Low Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e g h i j k k' m n o p q r t w
125 kg ER2SG001H 415 490 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
250 kg ER2SG003S 415 490 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
250 kg ER2SG003H 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
500 kg ER2SG005L 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
500 kg ER2SG005S 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1000 kg ER2SG010L 470 590 345 236 152 31 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1000 kg ER2SG010S 470 590 345 236 152 31 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1600 kg ER2SG016S 570 690 385 280 154 34 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2000 kg ER2SG020L 635 690 385 280 154 39 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2000 kg ER2SG020S 650 690 385 280 154 39 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2500 kg ER2SG025S 680 890 398 324 157 39 148 100 36 134 115 80 152 74 10 102 68 36 183
3200 kg ER2SG032S 830 910 398 324 157 44 148 100 36 134 115 80 152 74 10 102 68 36 183
5000 kg ER2SG050S 900 910 401 400 156 47 169 118 46 144 131 81 178 70 10 104 88 54 183
High Capacity
Capcity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e e' g h i j k m n r t u w
7,500 kg
ER2SG075S 1165 1230 372 480 531 - 61 185 155 87 171 - 197 153 70 214 662
10,000 kg
ER2SG100L 1180 1210 372 480 531 - 80 185 155 77 171 - 197 153 70 214 718
10,000 kg
ER2SG100S 1180 1020 372 480 531 223 80 185 155 77 171 269 197 153 70 214 956
15,000 kg
ER2SG150S 1310 1230 1012 1000 531 223 86 185 155 82 171 269 520 153 70 214 1129
20,000 kg
ER2SG200S 1345 1230 1012 1000 531 223 102 185 155 77 171 269 520 153 70 214 1305


  • ½ to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • At rated capacity, load-bearing parts are only stressed to 20% of their limit
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Adjustable to fit any beam–tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Low minimum radius for curved beams for smooth travel around tight curves
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Capacity (tonne) Model Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Standard Drop (ft) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
½ TSP2005 1100 50 -102 103 - 203 204 - 305 2 - 4" 4 - 8" 8 - 12" --- 10
1 TSP2010 1300 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" --- 18
2 TSP2020 1500 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" --- 31
3 TSP2030 1700 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" --- 51
5 TSP2050 2300 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" --- 116
10 TSP2100 3000 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" --- 220


Er2sp Dimensions
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e g h i j k m n o p q r t
125 kg ER2SP001H 395 470 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
250 kg ER2SP003S 395 470 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
250 kg ER2SP003H 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
500 kg ER2SP005L 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
500 kg ER2SP005S 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
1000 kg ER2SP010L 470 590 249 236 56 31 106 71 28 95 56 112 50 10 69 50 25
1000 kg ER2SP010S 470 590 249 236 56 31 106 71 28 95 56 112 50 10 69 50 25
1600 kg ER2SP016S 570 690 300 280 69 34 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2000 kg ER2SP020L 635 690 300 280 69 39 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2000 kg ER2SP020S 650 690 300 280 69 34 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2500 kg ER2SP025S 680 890 320 324 79 39 148 100 36 134 80 152 74 10 102 68 36
3200 kg ER2SP032S 830 910 320 324 79 44 148 100 36 134 80 152 74 10 102 68 36
5000 kg ER2SP050S 900 910 297 400 53 47 169 118 46 144 81 178 70 10 104 88 54


  • Adjustable 2-Speed Trolleys (220/440V) featuring a Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) for improved load control
  • Dual Speed Trolleys (575V) up to 5 tonne, for improved efficiency
  • Single Speed Trolleys from 1 to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Adjustable to fit any beam – tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Motorised Trolley Specifications
Capacity (tonne) Model Travel Speed (ft/min) Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Trolley Motor H.P. Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
Single Speed Trolley for connection to Single Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440/575V)
1 MR2010L 40 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
1 MR2010S 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
2 MR2020L 40 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
2 MR2020S 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
3 MR2030L 40 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
3 MR2030S 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
5 MR2050L 40 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4-7" --- 7 - 12" 154
5 MR2050S 80 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4-7" --- 7 - 12" 154
10 MR2100L 40 2500 1.0 178 - 221 --- 140 - 221 5.5 - 8.7" --- 8.7 -12" 216
20 MR2200L 40 --- 1.0 x 3 178 - 221 --- 140 - 221 5.5 - 8.7" --- 8.7 - 12" 433
Single-Speed Trolley for connection to Adj. 2 Speed/Dual Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440/575V)
1 MR2010L D 40 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
1 MR2010S D 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
2 MR2020L D 40 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
2 MR2020S D 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
3 MR2030L D 40 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
3 MR2030S D 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
5 MR2050L D 40 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 154
5 MR2050S D 80 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 154
Adjustable 2 Speed Motorized Trolley for connection to Adj. 2 Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440V)
1 MR2010IS 13 | 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 70
2 MR2020IS 13 | 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 86
3 MR2030IS 13 | 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 110
5 MR2050IS 13 | 80 1000 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 158
Dual Speed Motorized Trolley for connection to Dual Speed Hoist - Three Phase (575V)
1 MR2010SD 40 | 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 73
2 MR2020SD 40 | 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 90
3 MR2030SD 40 | 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 112
5 MR2050SD 40 | 80 1000 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 163
Er2m Electric Chain Hoist Er2m Key

ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Single Lifting Speed, Single Traversing Speed

Capacity (t)

Product code






Standard lift (m)

Push button cord

Lifting motor

Lifting speed (m/min.)

Load Chain

Traversing motor

Traversing speed (m/min.)

Flange Width

Min. Radius curve (mm)

Test load (t)

Net weight (kg)

Additional weight per 1m lift (kg)



50 Hz

60 Hz

Diameter x Chain Falls



50 Hz

60 Hz











4.3 x1




































































































ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Dual Lifting Speed, Single Traversing Speed

Capacity Model ER2 MR2 Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Hoist Body Standard Lift(m) Push Button Control (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Traversing Motor Traversing Speed (m/min) Flange Width B (mm) Min Radius Curve (mm)
Output(kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter(mm) x Chain Falls Output(kW) Rating (%ED) Standard Option
High Low 50Hz 60Hz W30 (305mm)
125kg ERM2M001IH-S/L B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 0.4 40 20 (10) 24 (12) 58 to 153 154 to 305 800 156kg 58 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ERM2M003IS-S/L Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ERM2M003IH-S/L C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 67 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ERM2M005IL-S/L 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 63
Adjustable 0.4
ERM2M005IS-S/L 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 67
Adjustable 0.7
1000kg ERM2M010IL-S/L D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1250kg 75 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ERM2M010IS-S/L 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 82
Adjustable 0.7
1500kg ERM2M015IS-S/L E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 82 to 178 179 to 305 1880kg 110 2.3
Adjustable 0.4
2000kg ERM2M020IL-S/L Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2500kg 111
Adjustable 0.4
ERM2M020IS-S/L 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 127
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ERM2M025IS-S/L F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 100 to 178 1000 3130kg 150 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3000kg ERM2M030IS-S/L E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3750kg 153 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ERM2M050IS-S/L F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 0.75 1800 6250kg 198 5.6
Adjustable 0.3

ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Dual Lifting Speed, Dual Traversing Speed

Capacity (kg) Model ER2 MR2 Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight Per 1m Lift (kg)
Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Control Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Traversing Motor Traversing Speed (m/min) Flange Width B (mm) Min Radius Curve (mm)
Output (kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter (mm) x Chain Falls Output (kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Standard Option
High Low High Low W30 (305mm)
125kg ER2M001IH-IS B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 0.4 27/13 Preset 24 4 58 to 153 154 to 305 800 156kg 59 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ER2M003IS-IS Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ER2M003IH-IS C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 69 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ER2M005IL-IS 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 65
Adjustable 0.4
ER2M005IS-IS 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 69
Adjustable 0.7
1000KG ER2M010IL-IS D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1250kg 77 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ER2M010IS-IS 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 84
Adjustable 0.7
1500kg ER2M015IS-IS E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 - 82 to 178 179 to 305 1880kg 111 2.3
Adjustable 0.4 Adjustable 24 2.4
2000kg ER2M020IL-IS Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2500kg 112
Adjustable 0.4
ER2M020IS-IS 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 129
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ER2M025IS-IS F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 1000 3130kg 151 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3000kg ER2M030IS-IS E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3750kg 155 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ER2M050IS-IS F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 0.75 100 to 178 1800 6250kg 200 5.6
Adjustable 0.3


Er2ml Dimensions Er2mh Dimensions
Low Capacity High Capacity
Low Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D b d e e' g k m n r
125 kg ER2M001H-S/L 375 450 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
250 kg ER2M003S-S/L 375 450 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
250 kg ER2M001H-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
500 kg ER2M005L-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
500 kg ER2M005S-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
1000 kg ER2M010L-S/L 435 550 315 220 515 179 31 130 205 109 51
1000 kg ER2M010S-S/L 435 550 315 220 515 179 31 130 205 109 51
1600 kg ER2M016S-S/L 505 630 325 225 520 184 34 125 212 118 60
2000 kg ER2M020L-S/L 570 630 325 225 520 184 39 125 212 118 60
2000 kg ER2M020S-S/L 585 630 325 225 520 184 39 125 212 118 60
2500 kg ER2M025S-S/L 620 830 340 226 521 186 39 131 215 132 68
3200 kg ER2M032S-S/L 815 900 340 226 521 186 44 131 215 132 68
5000 kg ER2M050S-S/L 900 910 400 281 528 192 47 145 233 150 86
High Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D b e e' g j k m n r t w
7,500 kg ER2M075S-L 1165 1230 500 531 223 61 87 175 268 191 153 70 672
10,000 kg ER2M100L-L 1180 1210 500 531 223 80 77 175 268 191 153 70 728
10,000 kg ER2M100S-L 1180 1020 500 531 223 80 77 175 268 191 520 70 956
15,000 kg ER2M150S-L 1310 1230 1020 531 223 86 82 175 268 520 520 70 1129
20,000 kg ER2M200S-L 1345 1230 1020 531 223 102 77 175 268 520 520 70 1305




Single Lifting Speed
Capacity (kg) Model Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Cord (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Output (kw) Rating (%ED) 50Hz 60Hz Diameter (mm) x Chain Falls
125kg ER2-001H B 3 2.5 0.56 60 14.1 16.9 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 156kg 27 0.42
250kg ER2-003S 9.1 10.9 313kg
ER2-003H C 0.9 13.4 16.1 6 x 1 37 0.81
500kg ER2-005L 0.56 3.8 4.6 625kg 33
ER2-005S 0.9 7.3 8.8 37
1000kg ER2-010L D 3.5 4.2 7.7 x 1 1.25 47 1.33
ER2-010S 1.8 7.1 8.5 54
1600kg ER2-016S E 4.5 5.4 10.2 x 1 1.88 72 2.3
2000kg ER2-020L 3.7 4.4 M4/1Am/H4 2.5 73
ER2-020S 3.5 7.0 8.4 91
2500kg ER2-025S F 5.7 6.8 11.2 x 1 3.13 104 2.8
3200kg ER2-032S E 2.8 4.4 5.3 10.2 x 2 3.75 107 4.7
5000kg ER2-050S F 2.9 3.5 11.2 x 2 6.25 132 5.6
10,000kg ER2-100S F 3 3.4 3.5x2 60 2.9 3.5 11.2 x 4 M4/1Am/H4 12.5 303 11
15,000kg ER2-150S 3.7 1.9 2.3 6 18.8 404 17
20,000kg ER2-200S 1.4 1.7 8 25 476 22
Dual Lifting Speed
Capacity (kg) Model Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Cord (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Output (kw) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter x Chain Falls
High Low
125kg ER2-001IH B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 156kg 27 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ER2-003IS Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ER2-003IH C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 36 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ER2-005IL 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 32
Adjustable 0.4
ER2-005IS 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 36
Adjustable 0.7
1000kg ER2-010IL D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1.25 45 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ER2-010IS 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 52
Adjustable 0.7
1600kg ER2-016IS E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 1.88 72 2.3
Adjustable 0.4
2000kg ER2-020IL Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2.5 73
Adjustable 0.4
ER2-020IS 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 89
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ER2-025IS F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 3.13 100 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3200kg ER2-032IS E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3.75 105 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ER2-050IS F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 6.25 128 5.6
Adjustable 0.3

Dimensions (mm)

Small Capacity

Er2 Specdrawing
Capacity (kg) Model Headroom (c) D a b d e f g h i
125kg ER2-001H/001IH 350 430 478 321 219 259 260 27 99 93
250kg ER2-003S/003IS
ER2-003H/003IH 370 490 510 348 242 268 283 27 113 106
500kg ER2-005L/005IL 513 271
ER2-005S/005IS 510 268
1000kg ER2-010L/010IL 430 550 589 376 291 298 335 31 129 118
ER2-010S/010IS 598 307
1600kg ER2-016S/016IS 510 630 646 427 308 338 384.5 34 160.5 137.5
2000kg ER2-020L/020IL 575 39
ER2-020S/020IS 590 703 347 356
2500kg ER2-025S/025IS 625 840 736 445 337 399 437.5 173.5 142.5
3200kg ER2-032S/032IS 785 920 703 427 347 356 397 44 216 82
5000kg ER2-050S/050IS 850 736 445 337 399 439 47 231.5 84.5

Large Capacity

Er2l Specdrawing
Capacity (kg) Model Headroom (C) D a b w g
10,000kg ER2-100S 1370 1210 798 849 956 80
15,000kg ER2-150S 1595 1520 1022 1129 86
20,000kg ER2-200S 1710 1600 1198 1305 102


(min:3) (3 included in price)
(min:2.5) (2.5 included in price)
Unit Price


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The New Kito "ER2 Series" Electric Chain Hoist further builds upon Kito's previous ER Series, seeking improved ease of use and superb working efficiency.
To ensure safety, The hoist utilises a "double safety" mechanism that consists of a unique Friction Clutch and Upper-Lower limit switch. The control system features a fresh push-button interface and can easily be used for hours on end.


Fitted to MR2 Trolley

Trolley Options

The "ER2 Series" also comes with the option to have a Push Travel Trolley, Geared Trolley, or Motorised Trolley. Single and Dual Traversing Speeds are available to choose from.
Fail Safe Brake

Fail Safe Break

Kito's DC-current brake design reduces maintenance costs by eliminating drag at start and responding immediately at stop. This also places less torque on the motor providing extremely quiet and smooth operation. The advanced technology used in Kito's DC-current brake protects you from hoist failure in the event of motor burnout or single-phasing.
Forged Carbon Steel Hooks

Forged Carbon Steel Hooks

Engineered to open gradually and not fracture under excessive loads, the forged carbon steel hook features a notched tip which interlocks with the safety latch for increased durability.  These features allow for easy pre-use inspection of the hooks enabling you to operate the hoist with confidence.
Limit Switch

Durable Upper-Lower Limit Switch

The limit switch stops operation if either end of the load chain contacts the hoist body, protecting against unnecessary downtime and service costs. The ER2's redesigned upper/lower limit switch features enhanced durability and low profile design for improved hoist headroom.
Long Life Friction Clutch

Long-Life Friction Clutch

The friction clutch prevents damage to the hoist by automatically engaging in the event of a severe overload. When the slip clutch engages the motor is allowed to continue turning protecting both you and the hoist.
ER2 Numbered Diagram
  1. Electromagnetic Brake
    A current-driven electrimagnetic braking system provides a strong braking mechanism that can easily sucure a suspended load
  2. External Motor Fan
    Includes a die-cast aluminium motor frame with an external motor fan for adequate heat management during frequent operation
  3. Thermal Protector
    An overheating sensor cuts the power if the unit becomes dangerously hot.
  4. Connecting Shaft
    The top hook or suspender can be attached or removed with ease thanks to the mounted connecting shaft located on the external section of the body.
  5. Aluminium Die-cast Body
    Tough body to withstand knocks and grazes.
  6. Enclosure
    Dust and jet protected to IP55
  7. Chain Guide
    Kito's uniquely structured chain guide for smooth and easy chain feeding.
  8. Gears
    Helical gears provide a reduced operation noise
  9. CH Meter Built-In Inverter
    This records and displays the number of lifts the hoist has made and logs each time the hoist is operated. This allows for better maintenance.
  10. Chain Container
    Durable plastic or canvas containers as standard
  11. Plug Connection
    Easily attached and removed
  12. Cover Belt
    Attached to the controller cover and gear case to provide easy access for maintenance.
  13. Wiring Options
    A direct wiring option is available.
  14. Load Chain
    Kito's iwn Nickel-plates load chain comes as standard to provide a higher resistance against fatigue, wear and dust.
    The load chain is made from a unique alloy-steel which is produced under high quality control through automate facilities from material to chain completion


  • CSA Electrical Certification.
  • ASM B30.16 Safety Standard.
  • ASM HST-1 Performance Standard.
  • Grade 80, Case Hardened Chain.
  • IP55 Environmental Protection.
  • Voltage range: 380–440 V *Special voltages on request
Duty Ratings Single Speed Adjustable 2-speed & Dual Speed
ASME Class H4 H4
Max. Starts /hr 360 240 / 120
%ED 60 40 / 20
Short Time Rating 60 min 30 / 10 min

The below method can indicate which type of hoist you are looking for, it also shows the different types of Kito "ER2 Series" Electric Chain Hoists available.

Model Code Generation


Types of Hoist Available



  • ½ to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • At rated capacity, load-bearing parts are only stressed to 20% of their limit
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Adjustable to fit any beam–tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Low minimum radius for curved beams for smooth travel around tight curves
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Capacity (tonne) Model Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Standard Drop (ft) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
1 TSG2010 1300 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 8 27
2 TSG2020 1500 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 10 42
3 TSG2030 1700 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 10 60
5 TSG2050 2300 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 10 174
10 TSG2100 3000 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" 12 300
20 TSG2200 --- 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" 12 440


Er2sg Dimensions
Er2sgh Dimensions
Low Capacity High Capacity
Low Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e g h i j k k' m n o p q r t w
125 kg ER2SG001H 415 490 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
250 kg ER2SG003S 415 490 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
250 kg ER2SG003H 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
500 kg ER2SG005L 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
500 kg ER2SG005S 435 550 345 236 152 27 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1000 kg ER2SG010L 470 590 345 236 152 31 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1000 kg ER2SG010S 470 590 345 236 152 31 106 71 28 95 107 56 112 50 10 69 50 25 183
1600 kg ER2SG016S 570 690 385 280 154 34 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2000 kg ER2SG020L 635 690 385 280 154 39 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2000 kg ER2SG020S 650 690 385 280 154 39 127 85 34 112 109 71 131 63 10 83 62 32 183
2500 kg ER2SG025S 680 890 398 324 157 39 148 100 36 134 115 80 152 74 10 102 68 36 183
3200 kg ER2SG032S 830 910 398 324 157 44 148 100 36 134 115 80 152 74 10 102 68 36 183
5000 kg ER2SG050S 900 910 401 400 156 47 169 118 46 144 131 81 178 70 10 104 88 54 183
High Capacity
Capcity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e e' g h i j k m n r t u w
7,500 kg
ER2SG075S 1165 1230 372 480 531 - 61 185 155 87 171 - 197 153 70 214 662
10,000 kg
ER2SG100L 1180 1210 372 480 531 - 80 185 155 77 171 - 197 153 70 214 718
10,000 kg
ER2SG100S 1180 1020 372 480 531 223 80 185 155 77 171 269 197 153 70 214 956
15,000 kg
ER2SG150S 1310 1230 1012 1000 531 223 86 185 155 82 171 269 520 153 70 214 1129
20,000 kg
ER2SG200S 1345 1230 1012 1000 531 223 102 185 155 77 171 269 520 153 70 214 1305


  • ½ to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • At rated capacity, load-bearing parts are only stressed to 20% of their limit
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Adjustable to fit any beam–tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Low minimum radius for curved beams for smooth travel around tight curves
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Capacity (tonne) Model Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Standard Drop (ft) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
½ TSP2005 1100 50 -102 103 - 203 204 - 305 2 - 4" 4 - 8" 8 - 12" --- 10
1 TSP2010 1300 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" --- 18
2 TSP2020 1500 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" --- 31
3 TSP2030 1700 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" --- 51
5 TSP2050 2300 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" --- 116
10 TSP2100 3000 150 - 220 --- 221 - 305 6 - 8.5" --- 8.5 - 12" --- 220


Er2sp Dimensions
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D a b e g h i j k m n o p q r t
125 kg ER2SP001H 395 470 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
250 kg ER2SP003S 395 470 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
250 kg ER2SP003H 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
500 kg ER2SP005L 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
500 kg ER2SP005S 415 530 204 182 46 27 82 60 21 76 47.5 84 42 10 54 38 22
1000 kg ER2SP010L 470 590 249 236 56 31 106 71 28 95 56 112 50 10 69 50 25
1000 kg ER2SP010S 470 590 249 236 56 31 106 71 28 95 56 112 50 10 69 50 25
1600 kg ER2SP016S 570 690 300 280 69 34 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2000 kg ER2SP020L 635 690 300 280 69 39 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2000 kg ER2SP020S 650 690 300 280 69 34 127 85 34 112 71 131 63 10 83 62 32
2500 kg ER2SP025S 680 890 320 324 79 39 148 100 36 134 80 152 74 10 102 68 36
3200 kg ER2SP032S 830 910 320 324 79 44 148 100 36 134 80 152 74 10 102 68 36
5000 kg ER2SP050S 900 910 297 400 53 47 169 118 46 144 81 178 70 10 104 88 54


  • Adjustable 2-Speed Trolleys (220/440V) featuring a Variable Frequency Drive(VFD) for improved load control
  • Dual Speed Trolleys (575V) up to 5 tonne, for improved efficiency
  • Single Speed Trolleys from 1 to 20 tonne capacity allows you to choose the capacity that meets your needs
  • Heat treated steel wheels are hardened for long, trouble-free life
  • Adjustable to fit any beam – tapered or flat flanged, easily adapted for your shop or plant
  • Lifetime lubricated ball bearings increase reliability and reduce maintenance
  • Safety Lugs as standard


Motorised Trolley Specifications
Capacity (tonne) Model Travel Speed (ft/min) Min. Radius for Curve (mm) Trolley Motor H.P. Standard Flange (mm) Standard Flange (in) Ship Weight (lbs)
Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension Standard W20 Extension W30 Extension
Single Speed Trolley for connection to Single Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440/575V)
1 MR2010L 40 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
1 MR2010S 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
2 MR2020L 40 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
2 MR2020S 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
3 MR2030L 40 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
3 MR2030S 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
5 MR2050L 40 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4-7" --- 7 - 12" 154
5 MR2050S 80 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4-7" --- 7 - 12" 154
10 MR2100L 40 2500 1.0 178 - 221 --- 140 - 221 5.5 - 8.7" --- 8.7 -12" 216
20 MR2200L 40 --- 1.0 x 3 178 - 221 --- 140 - 221 5.5 - 8.7" --- 8.7 - 12" 433
Single-Speed Trolley for connection to Adj. 2 Speed/Dual Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440/575V)
1 MR2010L D 40 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
1 MR2010S D 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 66
2 MR2020L D 40 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
2 MR2020S D 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 84
3 MR2030L D 40 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
3 MR2030S D 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 106
5 MR2050L D 40 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 154
5 MR2050S D 80 1800 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 154
Adjustable 2 Speed Motorized Trolley for connection to Adj. 2 Speed Hoist - Three Phase (220/440V)
1 MR2010IS 13 | 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 70
2 MR2020IS 13 | 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 86
3 MR2030IS 13 | 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 110
5 MR2050IS 13 | 80 1000 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 158
Dual Speed Motorized Trolley for connection to Dual Speed Hoist - Three Phase (575V)
1 MR2010SD 40 | 80 800 0.54 58 - 127 128 - 203 204 - 305 2.25 - 5" 5 - 8" 8 - 12" 73
2 MR2020SD 40 | 80 800 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 90
3 MR2030SD 40 | 80 1000 0.54 82 - 153 --- 154 - 305 3.25 - 6" --- 6 - 12" 112
5 MR2050SD 40 | 80 1000 1.0 100 - 178 --- 179 - 305 4 - 7" --- 7 - 12" 163
Er2m Electric Chain Hoist Er2m Key

ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Single Lifting Speed, Single Traversing Speed

Capacity (t)

Product code






Standard lift (m)

Push button cord

Lifting motor

Lifting speed (m/min.)

Load Chain

Traversing motor

Traversing speed (m/min.)

Flange Width

Min. Radius curve (mm)

Test load (t)

Net weight (kg)

Additional weight per 1m lift (kg)



50 Hz

60 Hz

Diameter x Chain Falls



50 Hz

60 Hz











4.3 x1




































































































ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Dual Lifting Speed, Single Traversing Speed

Capacity Model ER2 MR2 Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Hoist Body Standard Lift(m) Push Button Control (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Traversing Motor Traversing Speed (m/min) Flange Width B (mm) Min Radius Curve (mm)
Output(kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter(mm) x Chain Falls Output(kW) Rating (%ED) Standard Option
High Low 50Hz 60Hz W30 (305mm)
125kg ERM2M001IH-S/L B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 0.4 40 20 (10) 24 (12) 58 to 153 154 to 305 800 156kg 58 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ERM2M003IS-S/L Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ERM2M003IH-S/L C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 67 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ERM2M005IL-S/L 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 63
Adjustable 0.4
ERM2M005IS-S/L 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 67
Adjustable 0.7
1000kg ERM2M010IL-S/L D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1250kg 75 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ERM2M010IS-S/L 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 82
Adjustable 0.7
1500kg ERM2M015IS-S/L E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 82 to 178 179 to 305 1880kg 110 2.3
Adjustable 0.4
2000kg ERM2M020IL-S/L Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2500kg 111
Adjustable 0.4
ERM2M020IS-S/L 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 127
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ERM2M025IS-S/L F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 100 to 178 1000 3130kg 150 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3000kg ERM2M030IS-S/L E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3750kg 153 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ERM2M050IS-S/L F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 0.75 1800 6250kg 198 5.6
Adjustable 0.3

ER2M Electric Chain Hoist with Motorised Trolley - Dual Lifting Speed, Dual Traversing Speed

Capacity (kg) Model ER2 MR2 Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight Per 1m Lift (kg)
Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Control Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Traversing Motor Traversing Speed (m/min) Flange Width B (mm) Min Radius Curve (mm)
Output (kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter (mm) x Chain Falls Output (kW) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Standard Option
High Low High Low W30 (305mm)
125kg ER2M001IH-IS B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 0.4 27/13 Preset 24 4 58 to 153 154 to 305 800 156kg 59 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ER2M003IS-IS Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ER2M003IH-IS C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 69 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ER2M005IL-IS 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 65
Adjustable 0.4
ER2M005IS-IS 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 69
Adjustable 0.7
1000KG ER2M010IL-IS D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1250kg 77 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ER2M010IS-IS 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 84
Adjustable 0.7
1500kg ER2M015IS-IS E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 - 82 to 178 179 to 305 1880kg 111 2.3
Adjustable 0.4 Adjustable 24 2.4
2000kg ER2M020IL-IS Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2500kg 112
Adjustable 0.4
ER2M020IS-IS 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 129
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ER2M025IS-IS F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 1000 3130kg 151 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3000kg ER2M030IS-IS E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3750kg 155 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ER2M050IS-IS F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 0.75 100 to 178 1800 6250kg 200 5.6
Adjustable 0.3


Er2ml Dimensions Er2mh Dimensions
Low Capacity High Capacity
Low Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D b d e e' g k m n r
125 kg ER2M001H-S/L 375 450 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
250 kg ER2M003S-S/L 375 450 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
250 kg ER2M001H-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
500 kg ER2M005L-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
500 kg ER2M005S-S/L 395 510 315 220 515 179 27 130 205 109 51
1000 kg ER2M010L-S/L 435 550 315 220 515 179 31 130 205 109 51
1000 kg ER2M010S-S/L 435 550 315 220 515 179 31 130 205 109 51
1600 kg ER2M016S-S/L 505 630 325 225 520 184 34 125 212 118 60
2000 kg ER2M020L-S/L 570 630 325 225 520 184 39 125 212 118 60
2000 kg ER2M020S-S/L 585 630 325 225 520 184 39 125 212 118 60
2500 kg ER2M025S-S/L 620 830 340 226 521 186 39 131 215 132 68
3200 kg ER2M032S-S/L 815 900 340 226 521 186 44 131 215 132 68
5000 kg ER2M050S-S/L 900 910 400 281 528 192 47 145 233 150 86
High Capacity
Capacity Model Dimensions(mm)
C D b e e' g j k m n r t w
7,500 kg ER2M075S-L 1165 1230 500 531 223 61 87 175 268 191 153 70 672
10,000 kg ER2M100L-L 1180 1210 500 531 223 80 77 175 268 191 153 70 728
10,000 kg ER2M100S-L 1180 1020 500 531 223 80 77 175 268 191 520 70 956
15,000 kg ER2M150S-L 1310 1230 1020 531 223 86 82 175 268 520 520 70 1129
20,000 kg ER2M200S-L 1345 1230 1020 531 223 102 77 175 268 520 520 70 1305




Single Lifting Speed
Capacity (kg) Model Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Cord (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Output (kw) Rating (%ED) 50Hz 60Hz Diameter (mm) x Chain Falls
125kg ER2-001H B 3 2.5 0.56 60 14.1 16.9 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 156kg 27 0.42
250kg ER2-003S 9.1 10.9 313kg
ER2-003H C 0.9 13.4 16.1 6 x 1 37 0.81
500kg ER2-005L 0.56 3.8 4.6 625kg 33
ER2-005S 0.9 7.3 8.8 37
1000kg ER2-010L D 3.5 4.2 7.7 x 1 1.25 47 1.33
ER2-010S 1.8 7.1 8.5 54
1600kg ER2-016S E 4.5 5.4 10.2 x 1 1.88 72 2.3
2000kg ER2-020L 3.7 4.4 M4/1Am/H4 2.5 73
ER2-020S 3.5 7.0 8.4 91
2500kg ER2-025S F 5.7 6.8 11.2 x 1 3.13 104 2.8
3200kg ER2-032S E 2.8 4.4 5.3 10.2 x 2 3.75 107 4.7
5000kg ER2-050S F 2.9 3.5 11.2 x 2 6.25 132 5.6
10,000kg ER2-100S F 3 3.4 3.5x2 60 2.9 3.5 11.2 x 4 M4/1Am/H4 12.5 303 11
15,000kg ER2-150S 3.7 1.9 2.3 6 18.8 404 17
20,000kg ER2-200S 1.4 1.7 8 25 476 22
Dual Lifting Speed
Capacity (kg) Model Hoist Body Standard Lift (m) Push Button Cord (m) Lifting Motor Lifting Speed (m/min) Load Chain Classification ISO/FEM/ASME Test Load (kg) Net Weight (kg) Additional Weight per 1m Lift (kg)
Output (kw) Rating (%ED)   50/60Hz Diameter x Chain Falls
High Low
125kg ER2-001IH B 3 2.5 0.56 40/20 Preset 16.6 2.8 4.3 x 1 M5/2m/H4 156kg 27 0.42
Adjustable 1.4
250kg ER2-003IS Preset 10.8 1.8 313kg
Adjustable 0.9
ER2-003IH C 0.9 Preset 15.7 2.6 6 x 1 36 0.81
Adjustable 1.3
500kg ER2-005IL 0.56 Preset 4.5 0.8 625kg 32
Adjustable 0.4
ER2-005IS 0.9 Preset 8.5 1.4 36
Adjustable 0.7
1000kg ER2-010IL D Preset 4.2 0.7 7.7 x 1 1.25 45 1.33
Adjustable 0.3
ER2-010IS 1.8 Preset 8.2 1.4 52
Adjustable 0.7
1600kg ER2-016IS E Preset 5.3 0.9 10.2 x 1 1.88 72 2.3
Adjustable 0.4
2000kg ER2-020IL Preset 4.3 0.7 M4/1Am/H4 2.5 73
Adjustable 0.4
ER2-020IS 3.5 Preset 8.2 1.4 89
Adjustable 0.7
2500kg ER2-025IS F Preset 6.6 1.1 11.2 x 1 3.13 100 2.8
Adjustable 0.6
3200kg ER2-032IS E 2.8 Preset 5.2 0.9 10.2 x 2 3.75 105 4.7
Adjustable 0.4
5000kg ER2-050IS F Preset 3.3 0.6 11.2 x 2 6.25 128 5.6
Adjustable 0.3

Dimensions (mm)

Small Capacity

Er2 Specdrawing
Capacity (kg) Model Headroom (c) D a b d e f g h i
125kg ER2-001H/001IH 350 430 478 321 219 259 260 27 99 93
250kg ER2-003S/003IS
ER2-003H/003IH 370 490 510 348 242 268 283 27 113 106
500kg ER2-005L/005IL 513 271
ER2-005S/005IS 510 268
1000kg ER2-010L/010IL 430 550 589 376 291 298 335 31 129 118
ER2-010S/010IS 598 307
1600kg ER2-016S/016IS 510 630 646 427 308 338 384.5 34 160.5 137.5
2000kg ER2-020L/020IL 575 39
ER2-020S/020IS 590 703 347 356
2500kg ER2-025S/025IS 625 840 736 445 337 399 437.5 173.5 142.5
3200kg ER2-032S/032IS 785 920 703 427 347 356 397 44 216 82
5000kg ER2-050S/050IS 850 736 445 337 399 439 47 231.5 84.5

Large Capacity

Er2l Specdrawing
Capacity (kg) Model Headroom (C) D a b w g
10,000kg ER2-100S 1370 1210 798 849 956 80
15,000kg ER2-150S 1595 1520 1022 1129 86
20,000kg ER2-200S 1710 1600 1198 1305 102
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