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Crosby McKissick '430', '431' & '407' Super Champion Blocks, Hook Shackle or Tail Board Options, WLL option of 20,000kg or 30,000kg

Crosby McKissick '430', '431' & '407' Super Champion Blocks, Hook Shackle or Tail Board Options, WLL option of 20,000kg or 30,000kg

McKissick Super Champion Snatch Blocks.


430, 431 and 407 / SCB-2525

Crosby McKissick '430', '431' & '407' Super Champion Blocks, Hook Shackle or Tail Board Options, WLL option of 20,000kg or 30,000kg

Mckissick 430 Super Champion Snatch Blocks With Hook Mckissick 407 Super Champion Snatch Blocks Tail Board Mckissick 431 Super Champion Snatch Blocks With Shackle
  • Drop forged, heat treated swivel hook or swivel shackle.
  • Hook and shackle assemblies on 8” through 14” sizes can be interchanged.
  • Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings.
  • Pressure lube fittings.
  • 430 and 431 blocks have exclusive bolt-retaining spring to assure no lost bolts.
  • Can be furnished with hook latch.
  • 8” and 10” models furnished with dual rated Wireline sheaves.
  • Fatigue Rated.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
  • Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these blocks meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26.
  • Tail Board does not contain the spool that is required with the hook (420) and shackle (421) snatch blocks.
McKissick 430 McKissick 431 McKissick 407
430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board

Imperial Specifications

Stock No. Wire
Weight Each
Stock No.
Stock No.
with Hook
with Shackle
Tail Board
with Hook
with Shackle
Tail Board
8 BB 120023 121022 103523 1 - 1-1/8 20 75 87 42 2023463 1096657
8 RB 120041 121040 103541 1 - 1-1/8 20 75 87 42 2023818 1096657
10 BB 120096 121095 103603 1 - 1-1/8 20 89 101 55 2026861 1096657
10 RB 120112 121111 103621 1 - 1-1/8 20 89 101 55 2023526 1096657
12 BB 208536 169917 184375 1 20 103 115 70 2023556 1096657
12 RB 208554 209303 184393 1 20 103 115 70 2023563 1096657
12 BB 120176 121175 103685 1 - 1-1/8 20 103 115 70 2023552 1096657
12 RB 120194 121193 103701 1 - 1-1/8 20 103 115 70 4104944 1096657
14 BB 208572 209321 184419 1 20 123 135 90 2023571 1096657
14 RB 208590 170424 184437 1 20 123 135 90 2023583 1096657
14 BB 1201256 121255 103765 1 - 1-1/8 20 123 135 90 2023565 1096657
14 RB 120274 121273 103783 1 - 1-1/8 20 123 135 90 2023579 1096657
18 BB 208689 209410 184552 1 25 240 260 165 2023609 1090143
18 RB 208732 209465 184605 1 25 240 260 165 2023623 1090143
18 BB 119482 119561 119641 1 - 1-1/8 25 240 260 165 2023603 1090143
18 RB 119491 119570 119650 1 - 1-1/8 25 240 260 165 2023611 1090143
20 BB 208750 209483 184623 1 - 1-1/8 30 375 400 215 2023630 1090189
20 RB 208787 169864 184650 1 - 1-1/8 30 375 400 215 2023621 1090189
20 BB 119507 119589 119669 1 - 1-1/4 30 375 400 215 2023626 1090189
20 RB 119516 119598 119678 1 - 1-1/4 30 375 400 215 2023636 1090189
24 BB 208812 209526 184687 1 - 1-1/8 30 450 475 290 2023648 1090189
24 RB 208858 209553 184721 1 - 1-1/8 30 450 475 290 2023661 1090189
24 BB 119525 119605 119687 1 - 1-1/4 30 450 475 290 2023644 1090189
24 RB 119534 119614 119696 1 - 1-1/4 30 450 475 290 2023659 1090189

Metric Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (kg.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board 430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board
8 BB 120023 121022 103523 26-28 20 34.0 39.5 19.1 461440 1096657
8 RB 120041 121040 103541 26-28 20 34.0 39.5 19.1 473614 1096657
10 BB 120096 121095 103603 26-28 20 40.4 45.8 24.9 462083 1096657
10 RB 120112 121111 103621 26-28 20 40.4 45.8 24.9 474105 1096657
12 BB 208536 169917 184375 26 20 46.7 52 31.8 462680 1096657
12 RB 208554 209303 184393 26 20 46.7 52 31.8 474524 1096657
12 BB 120176 121175 103685 28 20 46.7 52 31.8 462699 1096657
12 RB 120194 121193 103701 28 20 46.7 52 31.8 474533 1096657
14 BB 208572 209321 184419 26 20 56 61 40.8 463457 1096657
14 RB 208590 170424 184437 26 20 56 61 40.8 475024 1096657
14 BB 120256 121255 103765 28 20 56 61 40.8 463466 1096657
14 RB 120274 121273 103783 28 20 56 61 40.8 475033 1096657
18 BB 208689 209410 184552 26 25 109 118 75 4100298 1090143
18 RB 208732 209465 184605 26 25 109 118 75 4200331 1090143
18 BB 119482 119561 119641 28 25 109 118 75 4103348 1090143
18 RB 119491 119570 119650 28 25 109 118 75 4200322 1090143
20 BB 208750 209483 184623 28 30 170 181 98 4103936 1090189
20 RB 208787 169864 184650 28 30 170 181 98 4200769 1090189
20 BB 119507 119589 119669 32 30 170 181 98 4103945 1090189
20 RB 119516 119598 119678 32 30 170 181 98 4200778 1090189
24 BB 208812 209526 184687 28 30 204 215 132 4104114 1090189
24 RB 208858 209553 184721 28 30 204 215 132 4200983 1090189
24 BB 119525 119605 119687 32 30 204 215 132 4104123 1090189
24 RB 119534 119614 119696 32 30 204 215 132 4200992 1090189

*Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

Part N° Type Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Wire Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (kg.) Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
430 with Hook 8 BB 26-28 20 34.0 Quote Required
430 with Hook 8 RB 26-28 20 34.0 Quote Required
430 with Hook 10 BB 26-28 20 40.4 Quote Required
430 with Hook 10 RB 26-28 20 40.4 Quote Required
430 with Hook 12 BB 26 20 46.7 Quote Required
430 with Hook 12 RB 26 20 46.7 Quote Required
430 with Hook 12 BB 28 20 46.7 Quote Required
430 with Hook 12 RB 28 20 46.7 Quote Required
430 with Hook 14 BB 26 20 56 Quote Required
430 with Hook 14 RB 26 20 56 Quote Required
430 with Hook 14 BB 28 20 56 Quote Required
430 with Hook 14 RB 28 20 56 Quote Required
430 with Hook 18 BB 26 25 109 Quote Required
430 with Hook 18 RB 26 25 109 Quote Required
430 with Hook 18 BB 28 25 109 Quote Required
430 with Hook 18 RB 28 25 109 Quote Required
430 with Hook 20 BB 28 30 170 Quote Required
430 with Hook 20 RB 28 30 170 Quote Required
430 with Hook 20 BB 32 30 170 Quote Required
430 with Hook 20 RB 32 30 170 Quote Required
430 with Hook 24 BB 28 30 204 Quote Required
430 with Hook 24 RB 28 30 204 Quote Required
430 with Hook 24 BB 32 30 204 Quote Required
430 with Hook 24 RB 32 30 204 Quote Required
  • Drop forged, heat treated swivel hook or swivel shackle.
  • Hook and shackle assemblies on 8” through 14” sizes can be interchanged.
  • Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings.
  • Pressure lube fittings.
  • 430 and 431 blocks have exclusive bolt-retaining spring to assure no lost bolts.
  • Can be furnished with hook latch.
  • 8” and 10” models furnished with dual rated Wireline sheaves.
  • Fatigue Rated.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
  • Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these blocks meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26.
  • Tail Board does not contain the spool that is required with the hook (420) and shackle (421) snatch blocks.
McKissick 430 McKissick 431 McKissick 407
430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board

Imperial Specifications

Stock No. Wire
Weight Each
Stock No.
Stock No.
with Hook
with Shackle
Tail Board
with Hook
with Shackle
Tail Board
8 BB 120023 121022 103523 1 - 1-1/8 20 75 87 42 2023463 1096657
8 RB 120041 121040 103541 1 - 1-1/8 20 75 87 42 2023818 1096657
10 BB 120096 121095 103603 1 - 1-1/8 20 89 101 55 2026861 1096657
10 RB 120112 121111 103621 1 - 1-1/8 20 89 101 55 2023526 1096657
12 BB 208536 169917 184375 1 20 103 115 70 2023556 1096657
12 RB 208554 209303 184393 1 20 103 115 70 2023563 1096657
12 BB 120176 121175 103685 1 - 1-1/8 20 103 115 70 2023552 1096657
12 RB 120194 121193 103701 1 - 1-1/8 20 103 115 70 4104944 1096657
14 BB 208572 209321 184419 1 20 123 135 90 2023571 1096657
14 RB 208590 170424 184437 1 20 123 135 90 2023583 1096657
14 BB 1201256 121255 103765 1 - 1-1/8 20 123 135 90 2023565 1096657
14 RB 120274 121273 103783 1 - 1-1/8 20 123 135 90 2023579 1096657
18 BB 208689 209410 184552 1 25 240 260 165 2023609 1090143
18 RB 208732 209465 184605 1 25 240 260 165 2023623 1090143
18 BB 119482 119561 119641 1 - 1-1/8 25 240 260 165 2023603 1090143
18 RB 119491 119570 119650 1 - 1-1/8 25 240 260 165 2023611 1090143
20 BB 208750 209483 184623 1 - 1-1/8 30 375 400 215 2023630 1090189
20 RB 208787 169864 184650 1 - 1-1/8 30 375 400 215 2023621 1090189
20 BB 119507 119589 119669 1 - 1-1/4 30 375 400 215 2023626 1090189
20 RB 119516 119598 119678 1 - 1-1/4 30 375 400 215 2023636 1090189
24 BB 208812 209526 184687 1 - 1-1/8 30 450 475 290 2023648 1090189
24 RB 208858 209553 184721 1 - 1-1/8 30 450 475 290 2023661 1090189
24 BB 119525 119605 119687 1 - 1-1/4 30 450 475 290 2023644 1090189
24 RB 119534 119614 119696 1 - 1-1/4 30 450 475 290 2023659 1090189

Metric Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (kg.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board 430 with Hook 431 with Shackle 407 Tail Board
8 BB 120023 121022 103523 26-28 20 34.0 39.5 19.1 461440 1096657
8 RB 120041 121040 103541 26-28 20 34.0 39.5 19.1 473614 1096657
10 BB 120096 121095 103603 26-28 20 40.4 45.8 24.9 462083 1096657
10 RB 120112 121111 103621 26-28 20 40.4 45.8 24.9 474105 1096657
12 BB 208536 169917 184375 26 20 46.7 52 31.8 462680 1096657
12 RB 208554 209303 184393 26 20 46.7 52 31.8 474524 1096657
12 BB 120176 121175 103685 28 20 46.7 52 31.8 462699 1096657
12 RB 120194 121193 103701 28 20 46.7 52 31.8 474533 1096657
14 BB 208572 209321 184419 26 20 56 61 40.8 463457 1096657
14 RB 208590 170424 184437 26 20 56 61 40.8 475024 1096657
14 BB 120256 121255 103765 28 20 56 61 40.8 463466 1096657
14 RB 120274 121273 103783 28 20 56 61 40.8 475033 1096657
18 BB 208689 209410 184552 26 25 109 118 75 4100298 1090143
18 RB 208732 209465 184605 26 25 109 118 75 4200331 1090143
18 BB 119482 119561 119641 28 25 109 118 75 4103348 1090143
18 RB 119491 119570 119650 28 25 109 118 75 4200322 1090143
20 BB 208750 209483 184623 28 30 170 181 98 4103936 1090189
20 RB 208787 169864 184650 28 30 170 181 98 4200769 1090189
20 BB 119507 119589 119669 32 30 170 181 98 4103945 1090189
20 RB 119516 119598 119678 32 30 170 181 98 4200778 1090189
24 BB 208812 209526 184687 28 30 204 215 132 4104114 1090189
24 RB 208858 209553 184721 28 30 204 215 132 4200983 1090189
24 BB 119525 119605 119687 32 30 204 215 132 4104123 1090189
24 RB 119534 119614 119696 32 30 204 215 132 4200992 1090189

*Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.

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