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Wire Rope Grips, 5mm to 40mm

Wire Rope Grips, 5mm to 40mm

Heavy Duty BullDog Grips to BS EN 13411-5 Type ‘A’



Wire Rope Grips, 5mm to 40mm

Heavy Duty Wire Rope Grip

Heavy duty electro galvanised bulldog wire rope grips to EN 13411-5 Type 'A' (formerly / DIN 1142) for wire rope.

Note: Sold in full bag quantities only.

Dimensions and Specifications

Rope Dia (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) Weight per 100 (kg) Qty Per Bag
5 4 25 12 14 24 13 13 2.2 1000
6.5 5 32 14 17 30 16 14 3.6 700
8 7 41 18 20 39 20 18 8 300
10 7 46 20 24 40 20 21 9.2 250
13 11 64 27 30 55 29 29 25.6 100
16 12 77 33 38 64 32 35 41 60
19 12 81 30 37 68 32 40 47.6 50
22 14 94 40 42 74 34 43 60 40
26 18 108 46 52 83 38 51 105 25
30 18 123 55 54 93 41 59 135 20
34 22 137 60 60 104 46 68 180 15
40 24 159 68 65 117 49 76 260 10
Heavy Duty Wire Rope Grips To Bs En 13411 5
Part N° Rope Dia (mm) Weight per 100 (kg) Qty Per Bag Sold in full bag quantities Price per bag Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
4866-T24611 5 2.2 1000 Yes Yes £ 152.00
4866-T24612 6.5 3.6 700 Yes Yes £ 159.60
4866-T24613 8 8 300 Yes Yes £ 228.00
4866-T24614 10 9.2 250 Yes Yes £ 159.60
4866-T24615 13 25.6 100 Yes Yes £ 134.90
4866-T24616 16 41 60 Yes Yes £ 121.98
4866-T24617 19 47.6 50 Yes Yes £ 129.20
4866-T24618 22 60 40 Yes Yes £ 132.24
4866-T24619 26 105 25 Yes Yes £ 138.22
4866-T24620 30 135 20 Yes Yes £ 153.90
4866-T24621 34 180 15 Yes Yes £ 157.32
4866-T24622 40 260 10 Yes Yes £ 145.96

Heavy duty electro galvanised bulldog wire rope grips to EN 13411-5 Type 'A' (formerly / DIN 1142) for wire rope.

Note: Sold in full bag quantities only.

Dimensions and Specifications

Rope Dia (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) D (mm) E (mm) F (mm) G (mm) Weight per 100 (kg) Qty Per Bag
5 4 25 12 14 24 13 13 2.2 1000
6.5 5 32 14 17 30 16 14 3.6 700
8 7 41 18 20 39 20 18 8 300
10 7 46 20 24 40 20 21 9.2 250
13 11 64 27 30 55 29 29 25.6 100
16 12 77 33 38 64 32 35 41 60
19 12 81 30 37 68 32 40 47.6 50
22 14 94 40 42 74 34 43 60 40
26 18 108 46 52 83 38 51 105 25
30 18 123 55 54 93 41 59 135 20
34 22 137 60 60 104 46 68 180 15
40 24 159 68 65 117 49 76 260 10
Heavy Duty Wire Rope Grips To Bs En 13411 5
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