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Wire Rope Thimbles, 6mm to 52mm

Wire Rope Thimbles, 6mm to 52mm

Galvanised Thimble eyes to BS EN 13411-1



Wire Rope Thimbles, 6mm to 52mm

Wire Rope Bs En 13411 1 Thimble Wire Rope Hard Eye

Galvanised thimbles to BS EN 13411-1 for making a 'hard' eye with wire rope.

  • Material: Low carbon mild steel
  • Finish: Hot-dip galvanised

Note: Sold in full bag quantities only.

Dimensions and Specifications

Nominal size
(dia of rope)
Nominal size
(dia of rope)
C (min)
F (min)
Weight per 100
Qty Per Bag
6* 1/4 20 35 11.5 31 48 7.5 3.3 800
8 5/16 22 38 12.7 33 54 7.9 5.2 600
9/10 3/8 25 48 14.3 38 64 10.3 8.4 300
11 7/16 29 54 17.5 41 73 12.7 10.8 250
12/13 1/2 32 59 20.6 44 79 14.3 14.2 150
16 5/8 41 75 22.2 59 98 15.9 27.2 100
19/20 3/4 51 92 28.6 73 124 20.6 47 50
22 7/8 57 102 31.8 83 133 22.2 64 40
26 1 70 119 34.9 108 162 27 99 25
28 1-1/8 76 133 38.1 111 178 28.6 135 20
32 1-1/4 95 152 41.3 133 197 33.3 180 15
35 1-3/8 105 175 47.6 152 229 38.1 264 10
38 1-1/2 114 197 54 165 254 41.3 336 8
41 1-5/8 114 197 55.6 165 254 42.9 350 8
44 1-3/4 127 229 57.2 178 286 50.8 570 4
52 2 140 257 69.8 203 330 63.5 750 4
Galvanised Wire Rope Thimbles To Bsen 13411 1

* In the style of old BS464 Ordinary pattern
Dimensions A, B, D & E rounded

Part N° Nominal size (dia of rope) mm Nominal size (dia of rope) ins Weight per 100 (kg) Qty Per Bag Sold in full bag quantities Price per bag Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
4865-T24594 6* 1/4 3.3 800 Yes Yes £ 258.40
4865-T24595 8 5/16 5.2 600 Yes Yes £ 250.80
4865-T24596 9/10 3/8 8.4 300 Yes Yes £ 304.00
4865-T24597 11 7/16 10.8 250 Yes Yes £ 239.40
4865-T24598 12/13 1/2 14.2 150 Yes Yes £ 280.26
4865-T24599 16 5/8 27.2 100 Yes Yes £ 169.10
4865-T24601 19/20 3/4 47 50 Yes Yes £ 143.46
4865-T24602 22 7/8 64 40 Yes Yes £ 166.44
4865-T24603 26 1 99 25 Yes Yes £ 144.86
4865-T24604 28 1-1/8 135 20 Yes Yes £ 156.94
4865-T24605 32 1-1/4 180 15 Yes Yes £ 149.06
4865-T24606 35 1-3/8 264 10 Yes Yes £ 144.78
4865-T24607 38 1-1/2 336 8 Yes Yes £ 164.16
4865-T24608 41 1-5/8 350 8 Yes Yes £ 169.48
4865-T24609 44 1-3/4 570 4 Yes Yes £ 153.14
4865-T24610 52 2 750 4 Yes Yes £ 197.60

Galvanised thimbles to BS EN 13411-1 for making a 'hard' eye with wire rope.

  • Material: Low carbon mild steel
  • Finish: Hot-dip galvanised

Note: Sold in full bag quantities only.

Dimensions and Specifications

Nominal size
(dia of rope)
Nominal size
(dia of rope)
C (min)
F (min)
Weight per 100
Qty Per Bag
6* 1/4 20 35 11.5 31 48 7.5 3.3 800
8 5/16 22 38 12.7 33 54 7.9 5.2 600
9/10 3/8 25 48 14.3 38 64 10.3 8.4 300
11 7/16 29 54 17.5 41 73 12.7 10.8 250
12/13 1/2 32 59 20.6 44 79 14.3 14.2 150
16 5/8 41 75 22.2 59 98 15.9 27.2 100
19/20 3/4 51 92 28.6 73 124 20.6 47 50
22 7/8 57 102 31.8 83 133 22.2 64 40
26 1 70 119 34.9 108 162 27 99 25
28 1-1/8 76 133 38.1 111 178 28.6 135 20
32 1-1/4 95 152 41.3 133 197 33.3 180 15
35 1-3/8 105 175 47.6 152 229 38.1 264 10
38 1-1/2 114 197 54 165 254 41.3 336 8
41 1-5/8 114 197 55.6 165 254 42.9 350 8
44 1-3/4 127 229 57.2 178 286 50.8 570 4
52 2 140 257 69.8 203 330 63.5 750 4
Galvanised Wire Rope Thimbles To Bsen 13411 1

* In the style of old BS464 Ordinary pattern
Dimensions A, B, D & E rounded

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