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Camlok Vertical Plate clamps for Lifting Sheet Steel Carried Upright

Quick Ref: CN-1346



Best Seller! Camlok Standard Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp. Standard plate clamps with safety lock.

Model: Camlok 92 / VPLC-336


Used on all hot rolled structural steel plates and sections upto a surface hardness of 300 Brinell/32 Rockwell C. Lifts plate from the horizontal to the vertical position and vice versa through 180. Fitted with hold-open and lock-closed device (not 92500).

Available to suit additional plate thicknesses


Camlok Heavy Duty Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp.

Model: Camlok CZ / VPLC-337


The Camlok CZ Series Vertical Plate Clamp differs from our CZ92 series in that the body of the clamp is a welded construction. The series has a lifting capacity range of 1 to 30 tons. The CZ series clamp can be used to lift plate from the horizontal to vertical position and vice versa. This clamp series is suitable for handling steel plate with a surface hardness of up to 300 Brinell. The standard clamp is fitted with a hook ring this can be replaced with a short length of chain and master link. The clamp can be supplied with alternative body shapes, Clamp jaws and pads are manufactured from high tensile steel and have heat treated serrated teeth.


Camlok Hinged Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp.

Model: Camlok CY / HVPC-338


The CY Non-welded Hinged Universal Clamp is a variant of our successful CZ92 Series Clamp. The clamp has all the innovative design features of the CZ92 clamp and incorporates a hinged hook ring. This device enables the clamp to be used at any angle thus permitting awkward lifts previously considered hazardous. The standard clamp is fitted with a cam operated locking mechanism but this can be replaced (at no additional cost) by a chain pull locking mechanism. The CY range is fitted with hardened steel pads and jaws that incorporate tooth wear indicators. The clamp is designed to lift and handle plate with a surface hardness up to 300 Brinell. Contact our sales/technical department if plate to be lifted has a higher surface hardness. Other clamps in our range are available for this application.


Camlok Heavy Duty Hinged Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp.

Model: Camlok CX / VPLC-339

From £432.26

The Camlok Series CX range of clamps has been developed especially for the handling of plate at any angle, thus permitting the lifting and handling of awkward shaped plate and fabrications. Single plates can be lifted from the horizontal to the vertical position and vice versa. Vertically racked plates can be turned over due to the in-built lifting eye and link. Standard CX clamps are fitted with a cam operated closing mechanism that can, if preferred, be replaced with a chain pull open /close mechanism. Clamps are fitted with hardened serrated teeth, jaws and pads that are suitable for gripping steel plate up to a hardness of 300 Brinell.


Camlok High Grip Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp Useful for lifting stainless steel and hardened surface plates.

Model: Camlok HG / VPLC-340


Camlok Twin Jaw plate lifting clamp, specially designed for lifting steel plates.

Model: Camlok TJC / TJLC-3027

From £456.12

The Twin Jaw Range of Clamps from Camlok have been designed specifically for lifting steel plates. The main difference between these and the single jaw clamps is that the TJC has a unique twin moving jaw arrangement. This Design means the TJC can be used in applications where a larger jaw capacity is required, with a low minimum weight.


Camlok HGC hand clamp for up to 250kg and 10mm thin plates, weighs only 1.4kg

Model: Camlok HGC / HGC-3034

From £220.12

Camlok Hand Grip Clamp's are suited to the individual transport of light and thin plates. It has a jaw capacity of up to 10mm, and can lift up to 250kg. The Unit itself weighs only 1.4kg.


Camlok Non-Marking Plate Clamps for 0 - 65mm Plate

Model: Camlok TSB / NPC-348

From £995.78

The TSB gentle grip clamp is designed to lift and handle various types of material such as steel, timber, plastics, laminates etc. without causing damage to the surface finish. The fixed pad and horizontally moving jaw are lined with hard wearing rubber. The lateral gripping load is transmitted to the moving jaw via a short length of chain routed between two chain pulleys. The clamp can be used to lift plates from the horizontal to vertical position and vice versa.

Options on Camlok grip non marking plate clamp - 350kg/plate diameter 0 - 65mm, 750kg/plate diameter 0 - 65mm, 1250kg/jaw opening 0 - 65mm.


Non-Marking Plate Clamp.

Model: Camlok LJ / NPC-347


The LJ range of clamps is specifically designed to lift plates without marking or damaging the surface finish. The clamp is suitable for lifting various types of plate materials. eg. - steel, timber etc. The clamp is particularly suitable for lifting thin gauge steel plate, aluminium and stainless steel. The clamp is also suitable for steel with a surface hardness above 300 Brinell.

Options on Camlok Non marking clamp - 500kg/plate diameter 0 - 10mm, 1500kg/plate diameter 0 - 20mm.


Camlok Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp, Jaw Width Options upto 200mm

Model: CWJV-5393

From £640.44

Best Seller! Camlok Standard Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp. Standard plate clamps with safety lock.


Camlok Heavy Duty Hinged Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp.


Camlok High Grip Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp Useful for lifting stainless steel and hardened surface plates.


Camlok Twin Jaw plate lifting clamp, specially designed for lifting steel plates.


Camlok HGC hand clamp for up to 250kg and 10mm thin plates, weighs only 1.4kg


Camlok Vertical Plate Lifting Clamp, Jaw Width Options upto 200mm

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