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Offshore & Subsea HA Master Links OS+ -  4.1 tonnes to 250 tonnes WLL

Offshore & Subsea HA Master Links OS+ - 4.1 tonnes to 250 tonnes WLL

Master rings certified to international standards: DNV2.7-1, DNV2.7-3, BSEN ISO 10855-2, EN1677-4, ASME B30.26, API-2CCU - Aug. 2017.



Offshore & Subsea HA Master Links OS+ -  4.1 tonnes to 250 tonnes WLL

Ha Master Links Os Plus

The HA range of Grade 8 master links and quad assemblies are widely used for offshore rigging and lifting sets for containers and are the industry leaders globally based on the following:

  • Product available in diameters from 16mm up to 120mm and working load limits from 4.1 tonnes to 250 tonnes.
  • The links are manufactured from triple alloy steel in accordance with EN1677, which includes individually proof load tested to 2.5 times working load limit and 100% MPI.
  • MPF (Manufacturing Proof Force): 2.5 x 9.81 x Working Load Limit (kN) (min.).
  • BF (Break Force): WLL x Factor of Safety.
  • WLL (Working Load Limit) (tonne) @ 45° to vertical.
  • Factor of Safety: 5:1.
  • Embossing: as per Description column and Batch Number.
  • Design air temperature -40° min..
  • Average impact energy (charpy) 42 Joules minimum impact resistance at -40°C up to 50mm diameter.
  • Operational temperature range is -40° C to + 200°C.

Dimensions & Specifications (DNV GL Type Approval TAS000013Z Rev. 3)

Description A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) WLL (t) MPF (kN) MBL (kN) Weight (kg)
HA16ML OS+ 16 150 75 4.1 101 201 0.68
HA22MLS OS+ 22 162 90 11 270 540 1.47
HA22ML OS+ 22 270 140 7 172 343 2.28
HA25ML OS+ 25.5 270 140 9.3 229 456 3.11
HA28MLS OS+ 28 200 110 19.5 479 956 2.95
HA28ML OS+ 28 270 140 14.5 356 711 3.78
HA32ML OS+ 32 270 140 19 466 932 5.02
HA36ML OS+ 36 270 140 26 638 1275 6.46
HA40ML OS+ 40 280 155 30.5 749 1496 8.46
HA45ML OS+ 45 320 175 40 981 1962 12.18
HA50ML OS+ 50 350 195 51 1251 2502 16.54
HA65ML OS+ 65 410 220 75 1840 3679 33.02
HA75ML OS+ 75 450 250 100 2453 4905 48.98
HA90ML* 90 500 300 150 2943 7360 86
HA120ML* 120 610 410 250 4905 9810 197

* Batch approved

Ha Master Links Os Plus Dimensions
Part N° Description WLL (t) Weight (kg) Sale Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
HA16ML OS+ 4.1 0.68
( £ 13.59 )
£ 11.96
HA22MLS OS+ 11 1.47
( £ 22.86 )
£ 20.12
HA22ML OS+ 7 2.28
( £ 29.61 )
£ 26.06
HA25ML OS+ 9.3 3.11
( £ 32.78 )
£ 28.85
HA28MLS OS+ 19.5 2.95
( £ 35.19 )
£ 30.97
HA28ML OS+ 14.5 3.78
( £ 36.95 )
£ 32.52
HA32ML OS+ 19 5.02
( £ 48.00 )
£ 42.24
HA36ML OS+ 26 6.46
( £ 59.83 )
£ 52.66
HA40ML OS+ 30.5 8.46
( £ 94.25 )
£ 82.94
HA45ML OS+ 40 12.18
( £ 121.65 )
£ 107.06
HA50ML OS+ 51 16.54
( £ 175.84 )
£ 154.74
HA65ML OS+ 75 33.02
( £ 369.80 )
£ 325.43
HA75ML OS+ 100 48.98
( £ 870.90 )
£ 766.40
HA90ML* 150 86
( £ 2,679.70 )
£ 2,358.14
HA120ML* 250 197
( £ 5,121.90 )
£ 4,507.28
Availability Usually 1-2 Working Days - 1pm cut-off
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Please Note: Buy online is only available to UK mainland customers and addresses.

The HA range of Grade 8 master links and quad assemblies are widely used for offshore rigging and lifting sets for containers and are the industry leaders globally based on the following:

  • Product available in diameters from 16mm up to 120mm and working load limits from 4.1 tonnes to 250 tonnes.
  • The links are manufactured from triple alloy steel in accordance with EN1677, which includes individually proof load tested to 2.5 times working load limit and 100% MPI.
  • MPF (Manufacturing Proof Force): 2.5 x 9.81 x Working Load Limit (kN) (min.).
  • BF (Break Force): WLL x Factor of Safety.
  • WLL (Working Load Limit) (tonne) @ 45° to vertical.
  • Factor of Safety: 5:1.
  • Embossing: as per Description column and Batch Number.
  • Design air temperature -40° min..
  • Average impact energy (charpy) 42 Joules minimum impact resistance at -40°C up to 50mm diameter.
  • Operational temperature range is -40° C to + 200°C.

Dimensions & Specifications (DNV GL Type Approval TAS000013Z Rev. 3)

Description A (mm) B (mm) C (mm) WLL (t) MPF (kN) MBL (kN) Weight (kg)
HA16ML OS+ 16 150 75 4.1 101 201 0.68
HA22MLS OS+ 22 162 90 11 270 540 1.47
HA22ML OS+ 22 270 140 7 172 343 2.28
HA25ML OS+ 25.5 270 140 9.3 229 456 3.11
HA28MLS OS+ 28 200 110 19.5 479 956 2.95
HA28ML OS+ 28 270 140 14.5 356 711 3.78
HA32ML OS+ 32 270 140 19 466 932 5.02
HA36ML OS+ 36 270 140 26 638 1275 6.46
HA40ML OS+ 40 280 155 30.5 749 1496 8.46
HA45ML OS+ 45 320 175 40 981 1962 12.18
HA50ML OS+ 50 350 195 51 1251 2502 16.54
HA65ML OS+ 65 410 220 75 1840 3679 33.02
HA75ML OS+ 75 450 250 100 2453 4905 48.98
HA90ML* 90 500 300 150 2943 7360 86
HA120ML* 120 610 410 250 4905 9810 197

* Batch approved

Ha Master Links Os Plus Dimensions
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