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RUD "WBPG" Heavy Duty Bolt-down Lifting Point

RUD "WBPG" Heavy Duty Bolt-down Lifting Point

Loadable from any side in the direction of pivot. Features a swivel bolt with ball bearing (for a shock-free turning by 360°). M48 Thread (6-12 bolts), 85 tonne to 250 tonne.


WBPG / RHDB-4446

RUD "WBPG" Heavy Duty Bolt-down Lifting Point

Rud Wbpg Heavy Duty Bolt Down Lifting Point WBPG 200T Illustration Example

WBPG Lifting Point Features

  • Range from 85,000kg to 250,000kg.
  • Heavy-duty design.
  • Ideal for rotating and turning.
  • Ball bearing swivel.
  • 4:1 Safety factor.
  • Range of rotation 360°.
  • Pivoting range suspension link 180°.
  • Maximum operation temperature range WITHOUT reduction of WLL -10°–100°C.
  • Maximum operation temperature WITH reduction of WLL 100°C Max.
  • Detachable suspension ring

RUD bolts with special corrosion protection Corrud-DT are included in delivery and are also available as a spare part. Clear marking at the bolt head: RUD, thread size, batch no.,class of strength.

Dimensions & Specifications

Dimensional Drawing

Type WLL (t) Weight (kg) A B C D E F G H I K M N Torque (Nm) Ref No.
WBPG 85t/400mm 6 × M48 85 170 400 75 577 190 89 304 273 310 73 71 6 x M48 83 6000 7993712
WBPG 100t/400mm 6 × M48 100 198 400 83 577 190 89 304 273 310 73 71 6 x M48 83 6000 7993245
WBPG 120t/570mm 6 × M48 120 360 571 95 651 238 110 344 307 445 77 75 6 x M48 95 6000 7900917
WBPG 200t/650mm 10 × M48 200 678 650 120 880 290 100 460 426 500 73 71 10 x M48 130 6000 7900383
WBPG 250t/730mm 12 × M48 250 992 730 130 1110 305 138 496 424 580 74 72 12 x M48 140 6000 7905690

Subject to technical modifications


Part N° Type WLL (t) Weight (kg) Sale Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
WBPG 85t/400mm 6 × M48 85 170
( £ 7,568.45 )
£ 5,865.55
WBPG 100t/400mm 6 × M48 100 198
( £ 8,520.05 )
£ 6,603.04
WBPG 120t/570mm 6 × M48 120 360
( £ 15,751.56 )
£ 12,207.46
WBPG 200t/650mm 10 × M48 200 678
( £ 37,043.58 )
£ 28,708.78
WBPG 250t/730mm 12 × M48 250 992
( £ 44,388.42 )
£ 34,401.03
Availability Please check availability before ordering. For urgent orders, please contact our sales team that will gladly assist.
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Please Note: Buy online is only available to UK mainland customers and addresses.

WBPG Lifting Point Features

  • Range from 85,000kg to 250,000kg.
  • Heavy-duty design.
  • Ideal for rotating and turning.
  • Ball bearing swivel.
  • 4:1 Safety factor.
  • Range of rotation 360°.
  • Pivoting range suspension link 180°.
  • Maximum operation temperature range WITHOUT reduction of WLL -10°–100°C.
  • Maximum operation temperature WITH reduction of WLL 100°C Max.
  • Detachable suspension ring

RUD bolts with special corrosion protection Corrud-DT are included in delivery and are also available as a spare part. Clear marking at the bolt head: RUD, thread size, batch no.,class of strength.

Dimensions & Specifications

Dimensional Drawing

Type WLL (t) Weight (kg) A B C D E F G H I K M N Torque (Nm) Ref No.
WBPG 85t/400mm 6 × M48 85 170 400 75 577 190 89 304 273 310 73 71 6 x M48 83 6000 7993712
WBPG 100t/400mm 6 × M48 100 198 400 83 577 190 89 304 273 310 73 71 6 x M48 83 6000 7993245
WBPG 120t/570mm 6 × M48 120 360 571 95 651 238 110 344 307 445 77 75 6 x M48 95 6000 7900917
WBPG 200t/650mm 10 × M48 200 678 650 120 880 290 100 460 426 500 73 71 10 x M48 130 6000 7900383
WBPG 250t/730mm 12 × M48 250 992 730 130 1110 305 138 496 424 580 74 72 12 x M48 140 6000 7905690

Subject to technical modifications


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