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Crosby McKissick '380 Series' Crane / Hook Blocks, Optional No. of Shaves (1-8), WLL Range from 5000kg to 300 tonne

Crosby McKissick '380 Series' Crane / Hook Blocks, Optional No. of Shaves (1-8), WLL Range from 5000kg to 300 tonne

McKissick Crane / Hook Blocks.


McKissick 380 / CHB-2515

Crosby McKissick '380 Series' Crane / Hook Blocks, Optional No. of Shaves (1-8), WLL Range from 5000kg to 300 tonne

Mckissick 380 Series Hook Blocks

All single point shank hooks are genuine Crosby®, forged alloy steel, Quenched and Tempered, and have the patented QUIC-CHECK markings (Duplex hooks are available on most sizes). All 380 Blocks are furnished standard with Roller Bearings.

  • Reeving Guides Standard - All Models.
  • Blocks through 25 tons use 319N Style Hooks with S-4320 latches.
  • Sheave lubrication through center pin - Separate lube channel to each bearing.
  • Sheaves fully protected by side plates.
  • Dual action hook (Swings and Rotates).
  • Repair parts available through world wide distribution network.
  • Design Factor of 4 to 1 ( unless otherwise noted).
  • Manufactured by an ISO 9001 and API Q1 certified facility.
  • All 380 blocks, 16" and larger, are furnished with McKissick® Roll-Forged sheaves with flame hardened grooves.
  • Look for the Orange Hook...the mark of genuine McKissick™ ® quality.

Available Options:

  • Bronze Bushed Sheaves
  • Duplex Hooks
  • Swivel Tee and Shackle Assemblies
  • Sheave Shrouds
  • Anti Rotation - Locking Device (75 tons & larger).
  • Plate Steel Cheek Weights
  • Third party testing with Certification available upon request.

Dead End Chart

Wire Rope Size (mm) Wire Rope Size (in.) Dimensions
T Thickness (mm) U Hole Dia. (mm) T Thickness (in.) U Hole Dia. (in.) McKissick US-422/US-422T Utility Socket
Stock No. Size (Metric) Size (Imperial)
11 7/16 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044309+ US4 11 US4 7/16
13 1/2 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044318+ US4 13 US4 1/2
14 9/16 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044336+ US5 14 US5 9/16
16 5/8 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044345+ US5 16 US5 5/8
19 3/4 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1044363+ US6 19 US6 3/4
22 7/8 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1038580 US7 22 US7 7/8
25 1 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1044417+ US8 25 US8 1
28 1-1/8 44.5 65.0 1.75 2.56 1044426+ US10 28 US10 1-1/8
32 1-1/4 44.5 65.0 1.75 2.56 1044435+ US10 32 US10 1-1/4

Standard Wire Line Sizes for McKissick 380 Utility Crane Blocks

Wire Line Size
  11mm / 7/16" 13mm / 1/2" 14mm / 9/16" 16mm / 5/8" 19mm / 3/4" 22mm / 7/8" 25mm / 1" 28mm / 1-1/8" 32mm / 1-1/4"
10 . . . . . . . . .
12 . . . . . . . . .
14 . . . . . . . . .
16 . . . . . . . . .
18 . . . . . . . . .
20 . . . . . . . . .
24 . . . . . . . . .

*For additional wire rope sizes please contact our sales team.

Dimensional Specifications

Thickness (E) shown is for blocks containing cheek weights (Light Medium - LM, Medium - M, and Heavy - H).

The thickness (E) for non weighted blocks (Light - L) is measured over side plates.

Key to McKissick Utility Crane Block Model Numbers

Example 1: M15D14M = 15 ton (rated at 13.6 metric tonnes), Double sheave (two sheaves), 14 Sheave nominal O.D. and Medium block weight.

Example 2: M100SX18H = 100 ton (rated at 90 metric tonnes), Six sheave, 18 Sheave nominal O.D. and Heavy block weight.

McKissick Utility Crane Blocks. Working Load Limit (Tons) Number of Sheaves Sheave
Block Weight
L = Light
(No Cheek Weight)
LM = Light Med.
M = Medium
H = Heavy

Dimensional Images

Single Sheave - S 2 Sheave - D
Single Sheave 2 Sheaves
3 Sheave - T 4 Sheave - Q
3 Sheaves 4 Sheaves
5 Sheave - QN 6 Sheave - SX
5 Sheaves 6 Sheaves
7 Sheave - SV 8 Sheave - OCT
7 Sheaves

8 Sheaves

4.5 TONNES (5 tons) to 13.6 TONNES (15 tons)

18 TONNES (20 tons) to 27 TONNES (30 tons)

32 TONNES (35 tons) to 40 TONNES (45 tons)

45 TONNES (50 tons) to 54 TONNES (60 tons)

59 TONNES (65 tons) to 68 TONNES (75 tons)

72 TONNES (80 tons) to 90 TONNES (100 tons)

104 TONNES (115 tons) to 117 TONNES (130 tons)

126 TONNES (140 tons) to 272 TONNES (300 tons)

† Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit unless otherwise noted.

Part N° Model No. Working Load Limit (Tons) † A Overall Length (in) B Net Length (in.) E Thickness (in.) F Width (in.) Throat Opening With Flapper (in.) J Hook Thickness (in.) K Hook Width (in.) Standard Wire Line Sizes (in.)* T Thickness (in.) U Pin Hole (in.) weight each Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
M5S10L 5 31.03 24.84 5.34 14 1.91 2.59 1.94 7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8 1.13 1.41 140 Quote Required
M5S10M 5 31.03 24.84 8.53 14 1.91 2.59 1.94 7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8 1.13 1.41 200 Quote Required
M5S12L 5 32.88 26.59 5.34 16 1.91 2.59 1.94 1/2,9/16,5/8,3/4 1.13 1.41 142 Quote Required
M5S12M 5 32.88 26.59 9.84 16 1.91 2.59 1.94 1/2,9/16,5/8,3/4 1.13 1.41 270 Quote Required
M5S12H 5 32.88 26.59 13.84 16 1.91 2.59 1.94 1/2,9/16,5/8,3/4 1.13 1.41 400 Quote Required
M5D10L 5 27.44 24.84 5.34 14 1.91 2.59 1.94 7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8 - - 161 Quote Required
M5D10M 5 27.44 24.84 8.53 14 1.91 2.59 1.94 7/16,1/2,9/16,5/8 - - 223 Quote Required

All single point shank hooks are genuine Crosby®, forged alloy steel, Quenched and Tempered, and have the patented QUIC-CHECK markings (Duplex hooks are available on most sizes). All 380 Blocks are furnished standard with Roller Bearings.

  • Reeving Guides Standard - All Models.
  • Blocks through 25 tons use 319N Style Hooks with S-4320 latches.
  • Sheave lubrication through center pin - Separate lube channel to each bearing.
  • Sheaves fully protected by side plates.
  • Dual action hook (Swings and Rotates).
  • Repair parts available through world wide distribution network.
  • Design Factor of 4 to 1 ( unless otherwise noted).
  • Manufactured by an ISO 9001 and API Q1 certified facility.
  • All 380 blocks, 16" and larger, are furnished with McKissick® Roll-Forged sheaves with flame hardened grooves.
  • Look for the Orange Hook...the mark of genuine McKissick™ ® quality.

Available Options:

  • Bronze Bushed Sheaves
  • Duplex Hooks
  • Swivel Tee and Shackle Assemblies
  • Sheave Shrouds
  • Anti Rotation - Locking Device (75 tons & larger).
  • Plate Steel Cheek Weights
  • Third party testing with Certification available upon request.

Dead End Chart

Wire Rope Size (mm) Wire Rope Size (in.) Dimensions
T Thickness (mm) U Hole Dia. (mm) T Thickness (in.) U Hole Dia. (in.) McKissick US-422/US-422T Utility Socket
Stock No. Size (Metric) Size (Imperial)
11 7/16 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044309+ US4 11 US4 7/16
13 1/2 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044318+ US4 13 US4 1/2
14 9/16 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044336+ US5 14 US5 9/16
16 5/8 25.4 32.5 1.00 1.28 1044345+ US5 16 US5 5/8
19 3/4 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1044363+ US6 19 US6 3/4
22 7/8 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1038580 US7 22 US7 7/8
25 1 31.8 42.2 1.25 1.66 1044417+ US8 25 US8 1
28 1-1/8 44.5 65.0 1.75 2.56 1044426+ US10 28 US10 1-1/8
32 1-1/4 44.5 65.0 1.75 2.56 1044435+ US10 32 US10 1-1/4

Standard Wire Line Sizes for McKissick 380 Utility Crane Blocks

Wire Line Size
  11mm / 7/16" 13mm / 1/2" 14mm / 9/16" 16mm / 5/8" 19mm / 3/4" 22mm / 7/8" 25mm / 1" 28mm / 1-1/8" 32mm / 1-1/4"
10 . . . . . . . . .
12 . . . . . . . . .
14 . . . . . . . . .
16 . . . . . . . . .
18 . . . . . . . . .
20 . . . . . . . . .
24 . . . . . . . . .

*For additional wire rope sizes please contact our sales team.

Dimensional Specifications

Thickness (E) shown is for blocks containing cheek weights (Light Medium - LM, Medium - M, and Heavy - H).

The thickness (E) for non weighted blocks (Light - L) is measured over side plates.

Key to McKissick Utility Crane Block Model Numbers

Example 1: M15D14M = 15 ton (rated at 13.6 metric tonnes), Double sheave (two sheaves), 14 Sheave nominal O.D. and Medium block weight.

Example 2: M100SX18H = 100 ton (rated at 90 metric tonnes), Six sheave, 18 Sheave nominal O.D. and Heavy block weight.

McKissick Utility Crane Blocks. Working Load Limit (Tons) Number of Sheaves Sheave
Block Weight
L = Light
(No Cheek Weight)
LM = Light Med.
M = Medium
H = Heavy

Dimensional Images

Single Sheave - S 2 Sheave - D
Single Sheave 2 Sheaves
3 Sheave - T 4 Sheave - Q
3 Sheaves 4 Sheaves
5 Sheave - QN 6 Sheave - SX
5 Sheaves 6 Sheaves
7 Sheave - SV 8 Sheave - OCT
7 Sheaves

8 Sheaves

4.5 TONNES (5 tons) to 13.6 TONNES (15 tons)

18 TONNES (20 tons) to 27 TONNES (30 tons)

32 TONNES (35 tons) to 40 TONNES (45 tons)

45 TONNES (50 tons) to 54 TONNES (60 tons)

59 TONNES (65 tons) to 68 TONNES (75 tons)

72 TONNES (80 tons) to 90 TONNES (100 tons)

104 TONNES (115 tons) to 117 TONNES (130 tons)

126 TONNES (140 tons) to 272 TONNES (300 tons)

† Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit unless otherwise noted.

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