Aluminium Lifting Gantry Systems with Castors (Potentially Mobile Under Load)
We also offer lightweight aluminium lifting gantries complete with castors/wheels, some being suitable only for moving the gantry without the load applied and others are potentially movable under load, subject to an adequate risk assessment and method statement being drawn up and followed, because there are many factors to take into account before the employer/user decides to move a gantry under load (with the load applied to the lifting beam).
Ultra Quick Set-up Aluminium A-Frame Lifting Gantry
Unique and easily transportable multi-purpose lightweight alloy gantry crane systems. Assembly requires just 2 pins, with optional beam length of up to 4m. 500kg to 1 tonne.
Model: UQPG-3587
Request QuotePortable Aluminium Gantry with Castors
Fully adjustable, quick assembly, ATEX (Zone 2) certified mobile gantry system that is also certified for man-riding with optional working heights and beam lengths. 500kg to 5 tonne.
Model: PG-4319
Reid "Porta-Gantry" Aluminium Lifting Gantry with Castors
Top quality UK manufactured portable and lightweight ATEX and man-riding certified alloy gantry system with multiple height and beam length options. 500kg to 5000kg.
Model: Porta Gantry / PG-3414
Request QuoteReid "PortaGantry Rapide" Aluminium A-Frame Gantry
Multi-purpose unique lightweight and easily transportable gantry crane system which is assembled with just 2 pins. Optional beam lengths up to 4m. 500kg to 1000kg
Model: Porta Gantry Rapide / RRMP-5086
Request QuoteReid PlusWinch Goods Winch - 500kg Max.
The all new Reid 500kg (galv. wire rope - 400kg stainless wire rope) materials lifting winch with brackets available to suit any Reid materials handling davit arm or gantry crane.
Model: PlusWinch / RPGW-5509
Unique and easily transportable multi-purpose lightweight alloy gantry crane systems. Assembly requires just 2 pins, with optional beam length of up to 4m. 500kg to 1 tonne.
Fully adjustable, quick assembly, ATEX (Zone 2) certified mobile gantry system that is also certified for man-riding with optional working heights and beam lengths. 500kg to 5 tonne.
Top quality UK manufactured portable and lightweight ATEX and man-riding certified alloy gantry system with multiple height and beam length options. 500kg to 5000kg.
Multi-purpose unique lightweight and easily transportable gantry crane system which is assembled with just 2 pins. Optional beam lengths up to 4m. 500kg to 1000kg
The all new Reid 500kg (galv. wire rope - 400kg stainless wire rope) materials lifting winch with brackets available to suit any Reid materials handling davit arm or gantry crane.