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Tractel Permanently Installed Vertical Fall Arrest Systems

Quick Ref: CN-1627



The Tractel BLOCSTOP is designed specifically for suspended platforms to automatically arrest a fall though has many other possible applications.

Model: TBFA-3287

From £618.00

As well as being sound safety management, regulations require you to ensure your equipment for lining personnel or loads is safe. BLOCSTOP safety systems meet the most exacting safety requirements and can be easily adapted to numerous types of applications. Available with different capacities 800kg, 1000kg, 1200kg and 2400kg.


Stopcable Is a vertical fall arrest wire line Vertical Lifeline for fixing to ladders etc...

Model: Tractel Stopcable / TCL-2209

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The purpose of the Stopcable system is to ensure the safety of personnel throughout their ascent. The Stopcable vertical lifeline is a mobile anchoring device to enable a person to move on a vertical axis in perfect safety and without having to disconnect themselves; it is made up of a fixed point and individual mobile equipment. Top and bottom anchor points Materials: Galvanised and stainless steel.


The Tractel BLOCSTOP is designed specifically for suspended platforms to automatically arrest a fall though has many other possible applications.


Stopcable Is a vertical fall arrest wire line Vertical Lifeline for fixing to ladders etc...

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