Tractel Groundwork & Construction Lifting Clamps
Tractel TOPAL RB Manhole Hook for Use in Pairs or Sets of Three - Range from 500kg to 1500kg
TOPAL industries manhole hooks.
Model: TTR-3314
From £161.00The Tractel TOPAL Manhole Hooks are used for lifting vertical wells of round, square or rectangular concrete. The hooks have a grooved surface that ensures perfect grip on the materials in case of shock whilst moving the load.
Their use does not require any adjustment and the positioning is easier thanks to ergonomic handles.
Tractel TOPAL RT Round Bar and Pipe Clamps - Range from 500kg to 3000kg
Pipe and bar clamps for the lifting of round bars, tubes, square and small sections in bundles or individually.
Model: TOPAL RT / TTR-3315
From £366.00The Tractel TOPAL RT is used for the lifting of rods, tubes, profiles and various small squares in circles or bundles. Once it's locked in the open position this allows you to deposit the load without any action on the caliper. These accessories are fitted with an open position locking system allowing to lay down the load without any intervention on the clamp.
.Tractel "SCX" & "CX" TOPAL Lifting Beams for Cone-shaped Concrete Manhole, WLL1000kg
Beam for lifting and laying conical pipe sections, Topal SCX, Topal CX.
Model: TOPAL SCX/CX / TTS-3316
Request QuoteThe CX ensures contact at two points of loading. The SCX is more robust for intensive use and ensures 3 point loading. These accessories are fitted with polyurethane coated pads which enable the handling of cone shaped manholes without marking. Delivery includes a chain sling (CX1 model).
Tractel TOPAL TB Pipe Hooks for use in Pairs - Range from 500kg to 1500kg
Lifting of horizontal tubes of various materials using a 2-arm sling.
Model: TOPAL TB / TTT-3317
From £163.00The Tractel TOPAL TB are hooks for use in pairs to lift pipes with a large opening, fitted with long handles for easy handling. Working in pairs with a 2-arm sling the load is lifted in a horizontal position.
Tractel TOPAL TI Clamp for Horizontal Lifting and/or Laying in Trenches of Pipes - Range 500kg to 1000kg
Horizontal Clamp with opening of upto 900mm.
Model: TOPAL TI / TTT-3319
From £1,673.00This is an accessory to transport horizontal pipes and lay them into trenches. Also designed to transport bars and tubes of any material.
S = semi-automatic laying down - Semi-automatic model: manual grab action and automatic locking of the grab in the open position.
A = automatic clamping + laying down - Automatic model: the grab and laying down operation is performed without any manual operation from the operator on the grab.
Tractel BX Kerbstones Clamps - Range 100kg to 200kg
Kerb stone lifting, handling and transportation clamps. For manual lifting of kerb stones. Chain sling option also available for mechanical lifting.
Model: Tractel BX kerbstone clamps / TB-3293
From £327.00The Tractel BX is an handling accessory to transport and lay concrete kerbstones manually or using a 2 legged sling. A model with handlebars is available to ensure better stability when manually transporting kerbstones.
Tractel Kerbstone clamps are available in the following sizes - 120kg/opening 1000mm, 100kg/opening 1000mm, 120kg/opening 915mm.
Tractel TOPAL PB Clamp for Lifting Loads with Parallel Sides - 500kg or 3000kg
Topal PB scissor action lifting clamp with jaw opening ranges from 0 to 1000mm (various options) for lifting products with parallel sides.
Model: Tractel TOPAL PB / TTP-3308
Request QuoteThis grab can be used for vertical lifting, without marking, all products with parallel sides made of various materials: concrete, steel, plastic, wood, marble, etc. These accessories are fitted with an automatic lower lock which allows the load to lay down without any manual intervention. Rubber coated pads ensure a great adherence and avoid load marking. Transport handles make the positioning easier. Clamping is proportional to the load, thus limiting the damage risk.
TOPAL industries manhole hooks.
Pipe and bar clamps for the lifting of round bars, tubes, square and small sections in bundles or individually.
Beam for lifting and laying conical pipe sections, Topal SCX, Topal CX.
Lifting of horizontal tubes of various materials using a 2-arm sling.
Horizontal Clamp with opening of upto 900mm.
Kerb stone lifting, handling and transportation clamps. For manual lifting of kerb stones. Chain sling option also available for mechanical lifting.
Topal PB scissor action lifting clamp with jaw opening ranges from 0 to 1000mm (various options) for lifting products with parallel sides.