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Crosby 'HR1200M' & 'HR1200' Side Pull Swivel Hoist Ring

Crosby 'HR1200M' & 'HR1200' Side Pull Swivel Hoist Ring

Crosby side pull hoist rings with eye for fitting a shackle. Metric & imperial threads. 300kg to 13t lifting capacity.


Crosby HR-1200M / HR-1200 / SPHR-2441

Crosby 'HR1200M' & 'HR1200' Side Pull Swivel Hoist Ring

Crosby HR1200 Side Pull Swivel Hoist Rings Crosby Hr1200 Side Pull Hoist Rings
  • Capacities available: 0.3 tonnes to 13 tonnes.
  • Body components are Alloy Steel - Quenched and Tempered.•Rated at 100% of Working Load Limit for angles up to 90 degrees.
  • Each product is stamped with a Product Identification Code (PIC) for material traceability, along with a Working Load Limit, and the name Crosby or “CG”.
  • Hoist Ring body is furnished with Yellow Chromate finish for improved corrosion resistance.
  • Utilize standard Crosby Red Pin® Shackles to connect to wire rope or synthetic slings. (sold separately).
  • Multiple bolt lengths available to meet specific application requirements.
  • Individually Proof Tested to 2-1/2 times Working Load Limit.
  • All sizes are RFID equipped.

HR-1200 UNC Thread Side Pull Hoist Rings

Weight Each (lbs.) Working Load Limit (lbs.)* HR-1200 Stock No. Hoist Ring Bolt Torque (Ft. lbs.) (A) Bolt Size (B) Eff. Thread Proj. (in.) Dimensions (in.) Recommended Shackles
Red Pin Shackles 209,210,213, 215,2130,2150 Red Pin Web Shackles S-281
C D E F G H I Nominal Size (in.) WLL (t) Web Size (in.) WLL (Tons)
.35 650 1067700 7 5/16 - 18x1.50 .59 1.93 .72 1.00 1.56 .80 .85 1.43 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.36 800 1067704 12 3/8-16x1.50 .59 1.93 .72 1.00 1.56 .80 .85 1.43 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
1.4 2000 1067708 28 1/2-13x2.00 .71 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.4 2000 1067712 28 1/2-13x2.50 1.21 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.5 3000 1067716 60 5/8-11x2.00 .71 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.5 3000 1067720 60 5/8-11x2.75 1.46 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
4.5 5000 1067724 100 3/4-10x2.75 .90 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.6 5000 1067728 100 3/4-10x3.50 1.65 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.6 6500 1067732 160 7/8-9x2.75 .90 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.8 6500 1067736 160 7/8-9x3.50 1.65 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.8 8000 1067740 230 1-8x3.00 1.15 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
5.0 8000 1067744 230 1-8x4.00 2.15 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
10.2 14000 1067748 470 1-1/4-7x4.5 2.22 5.59 1.57 3.75 3.91 1.47 1.92 3.42 1, 1-1/8, 1-1/4 8-1/2, 9-1/2, 12 3 8-1/2
23.5 17200 1067756 800 1-1/2-6x6.5 2.98 7.31 2.06 4.75 5.19 2.11 2.41 4.29 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
25.3 29000 1067764 1100 2-4.5x6.5 2.98 7.31 2.06 4.75 5.19 2.11 2.41 4.29 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
*Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
HR200 drawing

HR-1200M Metric Thread Side Pull Hoist Rings

Weight Each (kg) Working Load Limit (kg)* HR-1200M Stock No. Hoist Ring Bolt Torque (Nm) (A) Bolt Size (B) Eff. Thread Proj. (mm) Dimensions (mm) Recommended Shackles
Red Pin Shackles 209,210,213, 215,2130,2150 Red Pin Web Shackles S-281
C D E F G H I Nominal Size (in.) WLL (t) Web Size (in.) WLL (Tons)
.18 300 1067803 10 M8x1.25x40 16.9 49.0 18.3 25.4 39.6 20.3 21.6 36.3 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.18 400 1067807 16 M10x1.50x40 16.9 49.0 18.3 25.4 39.6 20.3 21.6 36.3 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.63 1000 1067811 38 M12x1x1.75x50 17.2 75.4 24.6 50.8 54.1 23.6 27.2 45.5 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
.68 1400 1067815 81 M16x2.0x60 27.2 75.4 24.6 50.8 54.1 23.6 27.2 45.5 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
2.0 2250 1067823 136 M20x2.5x75 28.1 110 34.0 76.2 76.2 27.2 34.4 61.5 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
2.2 3500 1067827 312 M24x3.0x80 33.1 110 34.0 76.2 76.2 27.2 34.4 61.5 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.5 6250 1067831 637 M30x3.5x120 65.1 142 39.9 95.3 99.3 37.3 48.8 86.9 1, 1-1/8, 1-1/4 8-1/2, 9-1/2, 12 3 8-1/2
10.4 7750 1067835 1005 M36x4.0x150 60.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
10.7 10000 1067839 1005 M42x4.5x160 70.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
11.0 13000 1067843 1350 M48x5.0x160 70.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
HR200 drawing

*Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

Part N° Bolt Size Working Load Limit (lbs.) Bolt Torque (Ft.Lbs) Weight each (lbs.) Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
5/16 - 18x1.50 650 7 0.35 Quote Required
3/8-16x1.50 800 12 0.36 Quote Required
1/2-13x2.00 2000 28 1.4 Quote Required
1/2-13x2.50 2000 28 1.4 Quote Required
5/8-11x2.00 3000 60 1.5 Quote Required
5/8-11x2.75 3000 60 1.5 Quote Required
3/4-10x2.75 5000 100 4.5 Quote Required
3/4-10x3.50 5000 100 4.6 Quote Required
7/8-9x2.75 6500 160 4.6 Quote Required
7/8-9x3.50 6500 160 4.8 Quote Required
1-8x3.00 8000 230 4.8 Quote Required
1-8x4.00 8000 230 5 Quote Required
1-1/4-7x4.5 14000 470 10.2 Quote Required
1-1/2-6x6.5 17200 800 23.5 Quote Required
2-4.5x6.5 29000 1100 25.3 Quote Required
  • Capacities available: 0.3 tonnes to 13 tonnes.
  • Body components are Alloy Steel - Quenched and Tempered.•Rated at 100% of Working Load Limit for angles up to 90 degrees.
  • Each product is stamped with a Product Identification Code (PIC) for material traceability, along with a Working Load Limit, and the name Crosby or “CG”.
  • Hoist Ring body is furnished with Yellow Chromate finish for improved corrosion resistance.
  • Utilize standard Crosby Red Pin® Shackles to connect to wire rope or synthetic slings. (sold separately).
  • Multiple bolt lengths available to meet specific application requirements.
  • Individually Proof Tested to 2-1/2 times Working Load Limit.
  • All sizes are RFID equipped.

HR-1200 UNC Thread Side Pull Hoist Rings

Weight Each (lbs.) Working Load Limit (lbs.)* HR-1200 Stock No. Hoist Ring Bolt Torque (Ft. lbs.) (A) Bolt Size (B) Eff. Thread Proj. (in.) Dimensions (in.) Recommended Shackles
Red Pin Shackles 209,210,213, 215,2130,2150 Red Pin Web Shackles S-281
C D E F G H I Nominal Size (in.) WLL (t) Web Size (in.) WLL (Tons)
.35 650 1067700 7 5/16 - 18x1.50 .59 1.93 .72 1.00 1.56 .80 .85 1.43 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.36 800 1067704 12 3/8-16x1.50 .59 1.93 .72 1.00 1.56 .80 .85 1.43 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
1.4 2000 1067708 28 1/2-13x2.00 .71 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.4 2000 1067712 28 1/2-13x2.50 1.21 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.5 3000 1067716 60 5/8-11x2.00 .71 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
1.5 3000 1067720 60 5/8-11x2.75 1.46 2.97 .97 2.00 2.13 .93 1.07 1.79 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
4.5 5000 1067724 100 3/4-10x2.75 .90 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.6 5000 1067728 100 3/4-10x3.50 1.65 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.6 6500 1067732 160 7/8-9x2.75 .90 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.8 6500 1067736 160 7/8-9x3.50 1.65 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.8 8000 1067740 230 1-8x3.00 1.15 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
5.0 8000 1067744 230 1-8x4.00 2.15 4.32 1.34 3.00 3.00 1.07 1.35 2.42 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
10.2 14000 1067748 470 1-1/4-7x4.5 2.22 5.59 1.57 3.75 3.91 1.47 1.92 3.42 1, 1-1/8, 1-1/4 8-1/2, 9-1/2, 12 3 8-1/2
23.5 17200 1067756 800 1-1/2-6x6.5 2.98 7.31 2.06 4.75 5.19 2.11 2.41 4.29 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
25.3 29000 1067764 1100 2-4.5x6.5 2.98 7.31 2.06 4.75 5.19 2.11 2.41 4.29 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
*Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.
HR200 drawing

HR-1200M Metric Thread Side Pull Hoist Rings

Weight Each (kg) Working Load Limit (kg)* HR-1200M Stock No. Hoist Ring Bolt Torque (Nm) (A) Bolt Size (B) Eff. Thread Proj. (mm) Dimensions (mm) Recommended Shackles
Red Pin Shackles 209,210,213, 215,2130,2150 Red Pin Web Shackles S-281
C D E F G H I Nominal Size (in.) WLL (t) Web Size (in.) WLL (Tons)
.18 300 1067803 10 M8x1.25x40 16.9 49.0 18.3 25.4 39.6 20.3 21.6 36.3 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.18 400 1067807 16 M10x1.50x40 16.9 49.0 18.3 25.4 39.6 20.3 21.6 36.3 1/2, 5/8 2, 3-1/4 2 3-1/4
.63 1000 1067811 38 M12x1x1.75x50 17.2 75.4 24.6 50.8 54.1 23.6 27.2 45.5 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
.68 1400 1067815 81 M16x2.0x60 27.2 75.4 24.6 50.8 54.1 23.6 27.2 45.5 5/8, 3/4 3-1/4 - 4-3/4 2, 1.5 3-1/4, 4-1/2
2.0 2250 1067823 136 M20x2.5x75 28.1 110 34.0 76.2 76.2 27.2 34.4 61.5 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
2.2 3500 1067827 312 M24x3.0x80 33.1 110 34.0 76.2 76.2 27.2 34.4 61.5 7/8 6-1/2 2 6-1/4
4.5 6250 1067831 637 M30x3.5x120 65.1 142 39.9 95.3 99.3 37.3 48.8 86.9 1, 1-1/8, 1-1/4 8-1/2, 9-1/2, 12 3 8-1/2
10.4 7750 1067835 1005 M36x4.0x150 60.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
10.7 10000 1067839 1005 M42x4.5x160 70.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
11.0 13000 1067843 1350 M48x5.0x160 70.6 186 52.3 121 132 53.6 61.2 109 1-3/8, 1-1/2, 1-3/4 13-1/2, 17, 25 - -
HR200 drawing

*Ultimate Load is 5 times the Working Load Limit.

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