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Crosby McKissick '408' & '409' Double Sheave Light Champion Snatch Block. Optional Hook or Shackle Suspension, WLL Range from 4000kg to 12,000kg

Crosby McKissick '408' & '409' Double Sheave Light Champion Snatch Block. Optional Hook or Shackle Suspension, WLL Range from 4000kg to 12,000kg

Crosby light champion twin sheave snatch block with hook or shackle, to suit 10mm to 19mm wire rope.


Crosby 408 and 409 / LCSB-3490

Crosby McKissick '408' & '409' Double Sheave Light Champion Snatch Block. Optional Hook or Shackle Suspension, WLL Range from 4000kg to 12,000kg

Mckissick 408 Light Champion Double Sheave Snatch Block With Hook Mckissick 409 Light Champion Double Sheave Snatch Block With Shackle
  • Light champion snatch block as a double sheave block.
  • Drop forged swivel hook or swivel shackle.
  • Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings.
  • Opening feature permits easy insertion of Wireline in both sheaves with removal of one bolt.
  • 408 and 409 can be furnished with S-4320 hook latch.
  • Pressure lube fittings.
  • 4-1/2” - 10” models furnished with dual rated Wireline sheaves.
  • Fatigue Rated.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
  • Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these locks meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26.

Metric Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (mm) ‡ Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (kg.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
408 with Hook 409 with Shackle 408 with Hook 409 with Shackle
† 4-1/2 BB 104023 105022 10-13 4 8.16 8.16 2000232 1096468
6 BB 104103 105102 16-19 12 20.4 22.7 460815 1096609
6 RB 104121 105120 16-19 12 20.4 22.7 472688 1096609
8 BB 104185 105184 16-19 12 24.0 26.3 461164 1096609
8 RB 104201 105200 16-19 12 24.0 26.3 473277 1096609
10 BB 104265 105264 16-19 12 31.8 34.0 461805 1096609
10 RB 104283 105282 16-19 12 31.8 34.0 473776 1096609
12 BB 194578 195185 16 12 40.8 43.1 462270 1096609
12 RB 168044 195229 16 12 40.8 43.1 474141 1096609
12 BB 104345 105344 19 12 40.8 43.1 462289 1096609
12 RB 104363 105362 19 12 40.8 43.1 474150 1096609
14 BB 194621 195247 16 12 45.4 47.6 463625 1096609
14 RB 194649 195265 16 12 45.4 47.6 474766 1096609
14 BB 104425 105424 19 12 45.4 47.6 463634 1096609
14 RB 104443 105442 19 12 45.4 47.6 474775 1096609

* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
† Available in Bronze Bushed only
‡ May be furnished in other Wire Rope sizes.

Imperial Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (in.) ‡ Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (lbs.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
408 with Hook 409 with Shackle 408 with Hook 409 with Shackle
† 4-1/2 BB 104023 105022 3/8 - 1/2 4 18 18 2000232 1096468
6 BB 104103 105102 5/8- 3/4 12 45 50 460815 1096609
6 RB 104121 105120 5/8- 3/4 12 45 50 472688 1096609
8 BB 104185 105184 5/8- 3/4 12 53 58 461164 1096609
8 RB 104201 105200 5/8- 3/4 12 53 58 473277 1096609
10 BB 104265 105264 5/8- 3/4 12 70 75 461805 1096609
10 RB 104283 105282 5/8- 3/4 12 70 75 473776 1096609
12 BB 194578 195185 5/8 12 90 95 462270 1096609
12 RB 168044 195229 5/8 12 90 95 474141 1096609
12 BB 104345 105344 3/4 12 90 95 462289 1096609
12 RB 104363 105362 3/4 12 90 95 474150 1096609
14 BB 194621 195247 5/8 12 100 105 463625 1096609
14 RB 194649 195265 5/8 12 100 105 474766 1096609
14 BB 104425 105424 3/4 12 100 105 463634 1096609
14 RB 104443 105442 3/4 12 100 105 474775 1096609
Part N° Type Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Wire Rope Size (mm) Working Load Limit (t) Weight Each (kg.) Guide Price (Ex. VAT) Quantity
408 with Hook 4-1/2 BB 10-13 4 8.16 Quote Required
408 with Hook 6 BB 16-19 12 20.4 Quote Required
408 with Hook 6 RB 16-19 12 20.4 Quote Required
408 with Hook 8 BB 16-19 12 24 Quote Required
408 with Hook 8 RB 16-19 12 24 Quote Required
408 with Hook 10 BB 16-19 12 31.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 10 RB 16-19 12 31.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 12 BB 16 12 40.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 12 RB 16 12 40.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 12 BB 19 12 40.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 12 RB 19 12 40.8 Quote Required
408 with Hook 14 BB 16 12 45.4 Quote Required
408 with Hook 14 RB 16 12 45.4 Quote Required
408 with Hook 14 BB 19 12 45.4 Quote Required
408 with Hook 14 RB 19 12 45.4 Quote Required
  • Light champion snatch block as a double sheave block.
  • Drop forged swivel hook or swivel shackle.
  • Can be furnished with bronze bushings or roller bearings.
  • Opening feature permits easy insertion of Wireline in both sheaves with removal of one bolt.
  • 408 and 409 can be furnished with S-4320 hook latch.
  • Pressure lube fittings.
  • 4-1/2” - 10” models furnished with dual rated Wireline sheaves.
  • Fatigue Rated.
  • All sizes are RFID EQUIPPED.
  • Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26 including identification, ductility, design factor, proof load and temperature requirements. Importantly, these locks meet other critical performance requirements including fatigue life and material traceability, not addressed by ASME B30.26.

Metric Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (mm) ‡ Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (kg.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
408 with Hook 409 with Shackle 408 with Hook 409 with Shackle
† 4-1/2 BB 104023 105022 10-13 4 8.16 8.16 2000232 1096468
6 BB 104103 105102 16-19 12 20.4 22.7 460815 1096609
6 RB 104121 105120 16-19 12 20.4 22.7 472688 1096609
8 BB 104185 105184 16-19 12 24.0 26.3 461164 1096609
8 RB 104201 105200 16-19 12 24.0 26.3 473277 1096609
10 BB 104265 105264 16-19 12 31.8 34.0 461805 1096609
10 RB 104283 105282 16-19 12 31.8 34.0 473776 1096609
12 BB 194578 195185 16 12 40.8 43.1 462270 1096609
12 RB 168044 195229 16 12 40.8 43.1 474141 1096609
12 BB 104345 105344 19 12 40.8 43.1 462289 1096609
12 RB 104363 105362 19 12 40.8 43.1 474150 1096609
14 BB 194621 195247 16 12 45.4 47.6 463625 1096609
14 RB 194649 195265 16 12 45.4 47.6 474766 1096609
14 BB 104425 105424 19 12 45.4 47.6 463634 1096609
14 RB 104443 105442 19 12 45.4 47.6 474775 1096609

* Ultimate Load is 4 times the Working Load Limit.
† Available in Bronze Bushed only
‡ May be furnished in other Wire Rope sizes.

Imperial Specifications

Sheave Diam. (in.) Bearing Code Stock No. Wire Rope Size (in.) ‡ Working Load Limit (t)* Weight Each (lbs.) Rep. Sheave Stock No. Rep. Latch Stock No.
408 with Hook 409 with Shackle 408 with Hook 409 with Shackle
† 4-1/2 BB 104023 105022 3/8 - 1/2 4 18 18 2000232 1096468
6 BB 104103 105102 5/8- 3/4 12 45 50 460815 1096609
6 RB 104121 105120 5/8- 3/4 12 45 50 472688 1096609
8 BB 104185 105184 5/8- 3/4 12 53 58 461164 1096609
8 RB 104201 105200 5/8- 3/4 12 53 58 473277 1096609
10 BB 104265 105264 5/8- 3/4 12 70 75 461805 1096609
10 RB 104283 105282 5/8- 3/4 12 70 75 473776 1096609
12 BB 194578 195185 5/8 12 90 95 462270 1096609
12 RB 168044 195229 5/8 12 90 95 474141 1096609
12 BB 104345 105344 3/4 12 90 95 462289 1096609
12 RB 104363 105362 3/4 12 90 95 474150 1096609
14 BB 194621 195247 5/8 12 100 105 463625 1096609
14 RB 194649 195265 5/8 12 100 105 474766 1096609
14 BB 104425 105424 3/4 12 100 105 463634 1096609
14 RB 104443 105442 3/4 12 100 105 474775 1096609
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